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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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Tasty Treats #4: Iced Coffee Latte

Wow.  What a day yesterday.  The power of God is mighty, isn't it?  Praise the Lord Davids is on his way to being adopted by a loving family!  Thank you to everyone who committed this boy to prayer.  Your prayers really did make a difference!  Got to love when the body of Christ joins together in prayer for orphans!

And now it's time for another...

Today we're featuring the Iced Coffee Latte on page 14, made with none other than Gobena coffee.

 Serving orphans never tasted so good.

The recipe calls for 1/3 cup instant coffee granules mixed into 1/2 cup of boiling water, but instead I used:

Gobena coffee (whole beans freshly ground)

and brewed it at a 1 heaping tsp coffee:1 cup water ration.  (I would recommend going stronger, if you want a stronger coffee flavor to come through... or you could consider following the recipe too)

i combined the super strong coffee with a quart of chocolate milk, cold water, and a can of sweetened condensed milk... whisked it all together and voila!

And the final product was super yummy!

at least Leah thinks so...

(and Marla and Christi and me too!)

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Reader Comments (1)

YUM :)

January 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

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