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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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Touchdown for Orphans!

What are your plans for the Super Bowl?

Maybe throw a party?

Eat a lot of party food?

Or maybe you just want to pout that your team didn't make it? (oh, Bears...)

How about turning the Super Bowl into an opportunity to serve orphans in Ethiopia?

Orphan advocate, Aaron Klein, is leading a team to raise money so the Lifesong School in Adami Tulu can build a new school building.  In order to do help reach their goal, they are hosting a National Super Bowl Party!

Here’s how it works.

  • You can join the party from the comfort of your couch, or from the party you always go to. There are parties cropping up all the way from Atlanta to Colfax where we’ll pause at half time and learn more about the Adami Tulu school project. And you can even host your own local Super Bowl party to support the project (you can e-mail Aaron for details).
  • Every time one of the teams score, the amount we’ve raised goes up! You can follow Facebook or Twitter to get the running total of donations throughout the game.
  • Your friends can join this National Super Bowl Party as well! Go to the Facebook event page, and you can invite your own friends to join this important cause. Or you can tweet or e-mail this post to your friends and family. Let’s make a huge impact on changing the world!

This is such a cool idea!  If you want to know more, you can check out Aaron's blog here!  

Here's a look at some of the lives that will forever be affected by this project:

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Reader Comments (2)

Our family is pledging $2 per point for Green Bay!!!:)

January 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRenae

Renae - be sure you let Aaron know about your pledge... there's some links in the blog to contact him. Thanks!

January 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChristi

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