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Andy and Jill Lehman family
« Far from Completion - Lifesong Ukraine | Main | Family Friday: Dan & Christi »

Mission's Night

You couldn't take one step without seeing a child at Mission's Night, hosted by the Apostolic Christian Church in Bloomington, IL. It was a dynamic evening full of different ministries that this congregation has been supporting.  It was their desire to highlight these ministries and have them connect to their church body in a family friendly way presenting the importance of serving in the Kingdom and how they as families can get involved.

The Lifesong for Orphans "Experience"...

Handprint Wall - showing the 2300 children Lifesong has help bring into families through adoption financial assistance. 

Africa before Lifesong...

Africa after Lifesong...

The Forgotten Initiative

It was so great to connect with the youth and impact their minds and hearts of the importance of working with God for His Kingdom!

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