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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in lifesong for orphan (19)


Serving the ONLY true God - Lifesong India

**New Opportunity**  We invite you to share a words of encouragement, prayers, or message to our staff at Lifesong India. To send a message, please comment on the blog and it will be forwarded to our staff. Thank you in advance for your kind words of support!

Listen in with Bob Stoll, Lifesong India, as he shares about the baptisms he witnessed while in India,

"One of the greatest joys as believers in Christ is to see others converted and saved. In our local churches and on the mission field, the resulting baptisms are a time of rejoicing and thanksgiving to God. This is especially true in India where idol worship is so prevalent. 

During our visit to Lifesong India earlier this year we witnessed the water baptism of many new converts to Christ.  

Baptism in India has great significance. It is a public statement to a multi-god community that the person has received Jesus Christ as the ONLY true God. This testimony does not come without a price as the converts are now part of a minority community and sometimes suffer persecution in their villages and also in their families. Nevertheless, even with many obstacles, your prayers and financial support of this ministry are continuing to bear much fruit. This is because our village pastors and the children's home staff are faithful in their responsibilities as teachers of the word of God.

Only your faithful support makes this fruitful ministry possible. Thank you for helping. Please pray for our newly baptized brothers and sisters."

"Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you." Psalm 51:13  



Updates from Lifesong Zambia

We are blessed to give you an update from Lifesong Zambia from missionary Leslie Ringger,

"We are praising the Lord for the ability to get a cement mixer!  We've been able to complete so much more in our numerous building projects this month, namely two buildings on the farm, and a home addition that will give our new team member, accountant-extraordinaire, Sheila Schwab, a place to call home. We're so thankful to have her join our team!

As we begin our second year in strawberry farming we realize that there is still much we are learning in the process, but we thank God for His leading and trust Him to provide the increase of our labors.  It is an honor to work beside an amazing group of Zambian women who have a desire to serve God and a drive to lift their families out of poverty. They are an encouragement to us all.


And here is a picture of our Lifesong students' first day with their new uniforms! They are praising Jesus for something most American kids are thankful NOT to have. How ironic!"

 Please continue to pray for our staff and children at Lifesong Zambia!


Family Friday: Frank and Sharon

Meet Frank and Sharon, a Lifesong and Both Hands family we were blessed to serve beside.  They adopted a little boy domestically who they named Will Franklin. It is SUCH a joy for us to work with loving Christian families who desire to bring children into their forever family!  Thank you Frank & Sharon for letting us be apart of your journey!

We stumbled upon Lifesong on our mad search for adoption grants and assistance.  I wasn’t much on filling out massive applications and writing grant letters, so it was much to my delight that Lifesong featured the Both Hands project opportunity.  We fell in love with the mission and felt that this was the direction God was leading us.  Lifesong managed all the incoming funds and paid out adoption invoices all while making it a seamless process for us.  What a blessing!  --Frank & Sharon


Lifesong is 'Pinning'! :)

Lifesong for Orphans is now on Pinterest! Click here to follow us!

Follow our boards to see pictures from our orphan care initiatives, adoption quotes, orphan care/adoption resources, gifts with PURPOSE, and some creative DIY adoptive craft ideas! Here's a peek...


Let the pinning begin! Visit us at: 


Summit VIII Reflection from Rebecca...

Rebecca Maas, adoptive mother and orphan advocate, is part of our Lifesong Blogger Network.  We were excited to see her win our Lifesong Blogger Network contest and win a trip to the Summit this year.  Couldn't help but share her kind words and wisdom that she took from Summit this year.

I just wanted to thank you and Lifesong again for the wonderful opportunity to attend Summit VIII. What a great time of refreshment and encouragement for me. 

It was also a time God used to open my eyes to the realities adoptive and foster families are facing after placement.  I know that God had been slowly opening my eyes to families in my area who are struggling after bringing their child home. There is no support network set up for them.  The church is really failing in this area.  They are cheering for and encouraging families to adopt/foster children but are not educating and following through with the families once the child is in the home.  I truly think it is ignorance.  I don't think they realize that the hard work STARTS when the child comes home.  After five seperate adoptions I can honestly say adoption is not for the faint at heart.  It is a lot of work and takes a huge amount of faith.  Adoption is probably the hardest thing I have ever done and the most rewarding.  

Thanks again for the opportunity!

To learn more about Rebecca, follow her blog at