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Construction, Sponsorship & Stories - Lifesong Ethiopia

Please enjoy these updates from Lifesong Ethiopia... 

Student Update: Meet Taretkegn

Taretkegn is a nine-year-old student atLifesong Ethiopia. He was very young when both of his parents died.  His grandmother cared for him until he was four and then he went to live with an aunt who had the means to support him.

Taretkegn eventually got to go to school.  This year he is in the first grade and loves it!  Soccer is his favorite sport, so he's always looking forward to recess.  In the classroom, math is his preferred subject.  Taretkegn holds the dream of becoming a doctor someday.

Taretkegn is very thankful for the opportunity to go to school.  He wants to tell everyone from Lifesong that he loves you. 

Construction Update: Ziway & Adami Tulu

  • The two-story 14-room building at the Ziway Primary School is ready for the second-story. The workers are preparing to pour the floor of the second story. They are using eucalyptus poles which will support either plywood or metal to form the ceiling.
  • The four-classroom additional school building at Adami Tulu is racing toward completion, with the roof on, the stuccoing of the walls underway, and the forming up of the support for the veranda.

Child Sponsorship Update:

We are thankful to have 119 of our children sponsored! If you are interested in supporting one of the remaining 70 students, please visit the Sponsorship Website.

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