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Summit VIII Reflection from Rebecca...

Rebecca Maas, adoptive mother and orphan advocate, is part of our Lifesong Blogger Network.  We were excited to see her win our Lifesong Blogger Network contest and win a trip to the Summit this year.  Couldn't help but share her kind words and wisdom that she took from Summit this year.

I just wanted to thank you and Lifesong again for the wonderful opportunity to attend Summit VIII. What a great time of refreshment and encouragement for me. 

It was also a time God used to open my eyes to the realities adoptive and foster families are facing after placement.  I know that God had been slowly opening my eyes to families in my area who are struggling after bringing their child home. There is no support network set up for them.  The church is really failing in this area.  They are cheering for and encouraging families to adopt/foster children but are not educating and following through with the families once the child is in the home.  I truly think it is ignorance.  I don't think they realize that the hard work STARTS when the child comes home.  After five seperate adoptions I can honestly say adoption is not for the faint at heart.  It is a lot of work and takes a huge amount of faith.  Adoption is probably the hardest thing I have ever done and the most rewarding.  

Thanks again for the opportunity!

To learn more about Rebecca, follow her blog at

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