Dad, I'm watching you...

I don't know if it's from coming off of spending a lot of time with family during the recent holidays or what...
but 2 "dad-related" posts in a row...I'm in a "dad" groove appearantly...
I don't know if it's from coming off of spending a lot of time with family during the recent holidays or what...
but 2 "dad-related" posts in a row...I'm in a "dad" groove appearantly...
A very real article from Michael Monroe over at that helps coach us as adoptive parents how to walk alongside our children through some of the loss...pain...grief that comes with every adoption.
As an adoptive dad, like all adoptive parents, my tendency is to focus on the miracle, blessing and joy of adoption – and rightfully so. These are the undeniably beautiful realities of the adoption journey. But they do not negate the equally unavoidable reality that there is no adoption without loss and pain. Adoption is at the same time born from and a response to hurt, loss and sorrow.
Last night I saw through my son’s tears and heard in his words the deep, heartbreaking grief that lurks in the shadows of adoption. It was an intense sorrow caused by the loss he feels and understands now more than ever before. My son’s grief is for that which never was and for what will never be.
This article would be a great one to pass on to adoptive families or church adoption ministries you know of...
My friend Ed Bahler's blog on Kings and Kingdoms has some great thoughts as we move into the New Year...
What kingdoms do we carefully protect?
We must live simply so others may simply live...