Hope for 100

Check out what Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler, TX is doing to advocate for orphans - through this "Hope for 100" campaign.
GOAL: Provide Christian homes for 100 children through adoption or foster care
100 children will never be the same.
Green Acres Baptist Church will never be the same.
Their church-wide effort will accomplish this:
- Raise awareness of the plight of the fatherless
- Issue a specific challenge to the Church to care for a 100 orphan children
- Match interested families with mentor families (previously adopted/fostered) to give guidance and encouragement
- Become engaged in Orphan Care
- Provide Funding to adopt (Grants & Loans)
Launch Sunday: January 4, 2009
If You Were Mine conference: January 31, 2009
Hope for 100 is designed to be duplicatable.... You can do it. Your Church can do it.
The Leadership Team's prayer at HF100 is...that other churches across the US will have a desire to do the same thing.
Hope for 100 team will help you do it in your church, city, or state...
Do you want to help lead a Hope for 100 in your area?