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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in domestic (4)


Exceeding Abundantly Above...

We had the joy of partnering with Jeremy and Kristi this spring in their domestic adoption of little Adilynn Grey. 






"As the Apostle Paul said, our God 'is able to do exceeding abundantly above' anything we can ask or even imagine!  The miracle of adoption and our precious baby girl have been examples of this in our lives."           -Jeremy & Kristi 




Thanks Jeremy & Kristi for sharing your story with us.  It's an honor to able to walk part of this journey with you.  Praying that God continues to work in your family 'exceeding abundantly above' all that you can expect, imagine or hope for.


A Confident Expectation

Matt and Abby recently became 2nd-time adoptive parents when they domestically adopted little Olivia Renee Hope. 

We are continually amazed at how the Lord can profide for adoptions. Because of Lifesong, we now are fully confident that we can continue adopting as many children as the Lord has for us and He will continue to provide. - Matt & Abby

Matt and Abby, we feel so honored to be one of the many stepping stones on your adoption journey and pray that you will continually be reminded of God's faithfulness to those who wait and hope in His promises.


Welcome Home!

Take a look at this precious little one!

 Lifesong for Orphans,

Thanks so much for helping us bring our little girl home. She is so beautiful! We are so grateful for your help and support through our adoption.

-Ryan, Carly, Trenton & Ethan Geagel


what a way to celebrate.


Lyla Hamilton was recently welcomed home by Aaron, Stephanie, and big brother Ayan.

Aaron and Stephanie have always had a desire to serve and have spent time overseas in orphanages. After attending an adoption conference, the Lord confirmed their calling to adopt.

Ayan was adopted from Kazakhstan and Lyla through domestic adoption.

Lyla was the first child adopted through the Crosspoint Fellowship Church Adoption Fund. What a great way for Crosspoint to celebrate!