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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in adoption grants (25)


Family Friday: "We know God called us to adopt..."

Steven and Tiffany could list 78 reasons why they decided to grow their family through adoption.  For several years, they traveled as road directors for an international children’s choir.  They felt God working on their hearts as they were “Mom” and “Dad” to the children in the choir, many of which were orphans from India, Uganda, Brazil, Philippines, Nepal, and Myanmar. The Lord used these children to cultivate in them a heart for the orphan. 

As most adoption stories go, Steven and Tiffany's journey had some unexpected turns and surprises. But through it all, they felt God's presence and peace as they persued the adoption of their daughter Ayla from China. Thanks to The Church of Brook Hills Adoption Fund, Steven and Tiffany were given a matching grant through Lifesong to help with some of the fiancial costs. Listen in to hear more...

Lifesong provided a way for people to give tax-deductible gifts towards our adoption. That, combined with the unique opportunity to have their gifts matched really motivated people to contribute.

Lifesong also provided us with a unique opportunity to share God’s heart for the orphan. I’ll be honest, at first we weren’t too excited to have to write support letters and ask for money, but we are so grateful for it now. We had an opportunity to share how adopting a little girl from China was a small picture of how God has adopted us eternally. What a platform Lifesong provided for us to share with lost family members.

We know God called us to adopt, and we could trust Him to provide for our needs. We are so grateful that He used Lifesong in a huge way to do that!

-Steven & Tiffany


Bringing Churches Around Adoptive Families

"The blessings go way beyond any financial support because the family is just knowing that the church cares."
Dave Blaske, His Kids-Our Homes Adoption Fund Director
Listen in as His Kids-Our Homes Adoption Fund share about their partnership with Lifesong for Orphans...
It has been exciting for us as a ministry to have a front-row view in what God is doing through our 210 active and intentional Church Fund Partners.  In the past six months alone, we have seen the generosity of these churches provide over $627,650 to 193 adoptive families in the form of grants and loans.
The refreshing joy of serving families, blessing orphans, and ultimately glorifying God is at the core of each church fund that we partner with.  We celebrate the work that God is doing through each of them as He places the lonely into families (Psalm 68:6). 
For more stories about how a church fund can bless adoptive families, we invite you to watch the Quine &Stewart family adoption videos.

To learn more about Lifesong Church Funds, please visit our website or contact Rich Metcalfe (309.747.4528,

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works." Hebrews 10:24  


Family Friday: Justin & Bonnie

 I'm excited to introduce to you Justin, Bonnie, Asher and Hosanna, a family we were so blessed to partner with in their 2 year adoption process from Ethiopia.  Lifesong for Orphans along with Immanuel Baptist Church partnered with this family to help bridge the financial barrier of adoption through grants and fundraising support! I invite you to listen in as they share their journey to their two little 'treasures'.


We started our Ethiopian adoptions in April of 2010. We knew the Lord was calling us to adopt, but we honestly did not have the financial means to do so.  We received both a direct grant (through our church) and a matching grant from Lifesong during the Fall of 2010.  These monies came at the exact time that we needed in order to pay for our referral fees. 

God provided manna in the desert for the children of Israel one day at a time, and He likewise provided for our daily adoption needs through Lifesong.  It seemed that whenever a bill was due, we would receive a notification from Lifesong telling us that someone had donated towards our matching grant or our account fund.  These notifications continued throughout the duration of our adoption process! We praise God for Lifesong and do not know how we would have funded our adoption without their assistance.

We learned two amazing lessons throughout our adoption process.  Firstly, our Lord is a God who grants justice to the fatherless.  Secondly, He richly supplies all that we need when we chase after the things His heart breaks for.  After years of prayer and tears we saw Him grant justice to our children in miraculous ways; and through Lifesong He provided abundantly for all of our financial needs.

--Justin & Bonnie


Church Adoption Fund Story: Timothy & Cynthia


Lifesong is honored to work with almost 200 churches in administrating Church Adoption Funds.  Calvary Baptist Church of Show Low, AZ is one of them.  Just Love Them (the name of Calvary's Adoption Fund), generously gave Timothy and Cynthia a matching grant towards the adoption of little Anastasia from Ukraine.

Listen in as they share their appreciation...

God used Lifesong for Orphans and Just Love Them Ministries of Calvary Baptist Church to provide the money we did not have and to help break us of self-sufficiency. There was nothing we could do. We had no money after our first adoption. But with God nothing is impossible. He used Calvary Baptist Church to generously support us in bringing Anastasia home.

Lifesong for Orphans and Just Love Them Adoption Fund of Calvary Baptist Church were instrumental in changing the course of Anastasia's life. She now has a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). We moved forward to adopt not knowing where the money would come from, however the Lord knew. If we had waited or not acted because of lack of funds, we would have missed seeing God perform miracles on Anastasia's behalf. Thank you Lifesong and Calvary Baptist Church for obeying God's Word to care for widows and orphans in their distress (James 1:27). Thank You Jesus for laying it on donors hearts to give to Just Love Them Adoption Fund so Anastasia could call us Mama and Papa. Thank you for helping "set the lonely in families" (Psalms 68:6).

God's Blessings to All,

Timothy, Cynthia & family

To learn more about church adoption funds and how YOUR church help bring orphans into families, visit our website.


Family Friday: Mark & Diane


We continually thank God for Lifesong in how you have helped us fund our adoption and have been a continued source of encouragement. May God bless you on how you are helping families and orphans.

Mark & Diane

Goins Gang--it was our honor in joy to partner with you in the adopion of your precious children. Praying God's blessing on your family as you continue on your journey!