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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in donors (3)


What an incredible blessing! 

Today, the Bitner family from Indiana stopped by the Lifesong office to thank us for the matching grant that was provided to help bring home their three children from Ethiopia.

What they didn't understand was the joy they brought to this office today! Thank you Eric & Loretta for the joy you brought in our hearts today as we interacted with you and your 5 beautiful children!


 Check out this GORGEOUS Christmas card -

Lifesong -

Thank you for all you are doing for the needy and orphaned in our world. We praise the Lord for you and all He is doing through your obedience and faith in Him. Thank you for showing favor on our children. We are blessed by your kindness.

Love, The Bitners


Thank you...

We couldn't help but share this heart felt thank you we recently received from the Couch family. Your donations make stories like this possible!

Dear Lifesong for Orphans,

We write you this note to express to you our deepest thanks for the matching grant to bring our newest little one home from Ethiopia. Our family has experienced the gospel lived out through the adoption of our two youngest and we are refreshed again through the process of our new adoption.

Thank you for your part in fulfilling God's plan for our family. May God continue to bless you for your important work in something so dear to HIS heart!

Thank you,

Montie and Sally Couch & family

To learn more about adoption grants and interest free loans, click here


Galesburg, IL family featured in local newspaper

James and Melanie Kochersperger know the joy of adoption first hand! This past September, they welcomed their son BJ into their home and can't imagine life without him!

They write,

Dear Lifesong for Orphans,

We have completed the journey and are now home with our precious 21 month old son named B.J.! We lov ehim dearly and can't imagine life without him. Your organization played a huge role in our adoption and we can't thank you enough! You brought our friends, family, and church family together in a way that created a miracle for us! We can honestly say that our adoption was only successful because of how God worked through your organization! God is using you in a big way and we are truly blessed to have been a part of it!

Thank you and God Bless You!

The Kochersperger Family (James, Melanie, and BJ)

Check out the newspaper article here.

We want to take this opportunity to thank our donors who make stories like this possible each day! Take a look at that smile and praise God for His faithfulness in bringing children into their forever families!