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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in matching grant (11)


Family Friday: Justin & Bonnie

 I'm excited to introduce to you Justin, Bonnie, Asher and Hosanna, a family we were so blessed to partner with in their 2 year adoption process from Ethiopia.  Lifesong for Orphans along with Immanuel Baptist Church partnered with this family to help bridge the financial barrier of adoption through grants and fundraising support! I invite you to listen in as they share their journey to their two little 'treasures'.


We started our Ethiopian adoptions in April of 2010. We knew the Lord was calling us to adopt, but we honestly did not have the financial means to do so.  We received both a direct grant (through our church) and a matching grant from Lifesong during the Fall of 2010.  These monies came at the exact time that we needed in order to pay for our referral fees. 

God provided manna in the desert for the children of Israel one day at a time, and He likewise provided for our daily adoption needs through Lifesong.  It seemed that whenever a bill was due, we would receive a notification from Lifesong telling us that someone had donated towards our matching grant or our account fund.  These notifications continued throughout the duration of our adoption process! We praise God for Lifesong and do not know how we would have funded our adoption without their assistance.

We learned two amazing lessons throughout our adoption process.  Firstly, our Lord is a God who grants justice to the fatherless.  Secondly, He richly supplies all that we need when we chase after the things His heart breaks for.  After years of prayer and tears we saw Him grant justice to our children in miraculous ways; and through Lifesong He provided abundantly for all of our financial needs.

--Justin & Bonnie


Family Friday: Cory & Cindy

We are pleased to share with you adoptive couple Cory and Cindy who adopted their little girl, Svetlana "Lana" Grace from Russian.  Cory and Cindy were awarded with a matching grant from The James Fund (in partnership with Lifesong for Orphans) and it was our joy to partner with them as they brought little Lana into their forever family. Listen in as Cory and Cindy share their hearts... 

Please share a testimony of your adoption experience with Lifesong...

Our adoption experience was very positive from beginning to end.  Lifesong was a huge encouragement both in terms of the matching grant and providing a legitimate, reassuring way for friends to contribute to the adoption with the benefit of their gift being tax-deductible.  The adoption was a team effort compromising so many people and perhaps what has been most rewarding is seeing how many people have felt wholly a part of this process from the beginning.  And of course we love our adopted, girl, Lana.  She is just right for us and our family. 

Can you name one God-thing (God's provision/hand in your adoption) that comes to mind? 

Having to make a third trip to Russia due to a change in the Russian law was a surprise to us and a potential financial burden.  We simply couldn't afford to make a third trip without risking going into debt.  In the few weeks leading up to our third trip and then immediately afterwards, we saw an unexpected $11,000 more come in to help us pay off all of our adoption expenses. 


Church Adoption Fund Story: Timothy & Cynthia


Lifesong is honored to work with almost 200 churches in administrating Church Adoption Funds.  Calvary Baptist Church of Show Low, AZ is one of them.  Just Love Them (the name of Calvary's Adoption Fund), generously gave Timothy and Cynthia a matching grant towards the adoption of little Anastasia from Ukraine.

Listen in as they share their appreciation...

God used Lifesong for Orphans and Just Love Them Ministries of Calvary Baptist Church to provide the money we did not have and to help break us of self-sufficiency. There was nothing we could do. We had no money after our first adoption. But with God nothing is impossible. He used Calvary Baptist Church to generously support us in bringing Anastasia home.

Lifesong for Orphans and Just Love Them Adoption Fund of Calvary Baptist Church were instrumental in changing the course of Anastasia's life. She now has a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). We moved forward to adopt not knowing where the money would come from, however the Lord knew. If we had waited or not acted because of lack of funds, we would have missed seeing God perform miracles on Anastasia's behalf. Thank you Lifesong and Calvary Baptist Church for obeying God's Word to care for widows and orphans in their distress (James 1:27). Thank You Jesus for laying it on donors hearts to give to Just Love Them Adoption Fund so Anastasia could call us Mama and Papa. Thank you for helping "set the lonely in families" (Psalms 68:6).

God's Blessings to All,

Timothy, Cynthia & family

To learn more about church adoption funds and how YOUR church help bring orphans into families, visit our website.


Family Friday: David & Erica

(Photo by: Nina Mullins Photography)

I don't know about you, but this picture speaks a thousand words to me. Words like love. Ransom. Family. Joy. Excitement. Hope. Belonging.

I still remember receiving this picture last May from Erica and how it spoke to me. In that moment, God spoke deeply into my heart and urged me to stop and in stillness reflect on this picture, causing me to realize His deep love and how He choose to adopt ME into His family...

Listen in as David & Erica, who were blessed with a matching grant from the James Fund in partnership with Lifesong for Orphans, share some of the thousand words that come out of this special picture:

God used the ministry of The James Fund to bless our family and help bring Zahra Reign home forever.  When God called us to adopt again we knew it wouldn't be an easy task financially, although this was our second adoption we were once again in a new kind of uncharted territory.  Fundraising. 

God used our fundraising journey to show us more of himself, His love for us and for His children.  It allowed us to see the body of Christ at work in a tangible way on behalf of us and our precious daughter.  Over and over again God moved in HUGE ways to confirm to us that we were to stay the course and trust Him to provide.  When we saw our daughter on a waiting child list and knew she was meant to be ours--it was a bit overwhelming knowing what would be ahead of us financially.  God again confirmed His provision for us and for Zahra.  We moved forward in faith requesting her file and saying YES to this precious four year old little one.  The money needed each step of the way was never late, rarely early, always right on time.  Through our James Fund Grant and the amazing support of our Lifesong Family we were given the opportunity to not only have a tax deductible option for donors but a match for the money donated.  This was a HUGE provision for us, making it possible to complete our adoption. 

Here we are months later: Zahra is thriving, we are so blessed to parent this precious little girl, celebrating her life, and watching the redemption process as she learns about the love of a family.  She is speaking more and more English, adapting to her new surroundings, loving her siblings, and soaking in every moment.  We cannot thank everyone enough for what God is doing in and through the James Fund & Lifesong for Orphans ministry.  We are truly humbled and blessed.

-David & Erica

Thank you so much David & Erica for letting us share in this exciting journey and be reminded of the great Father who adopted us!


Family Friday: Mike and Karla

Meet Mike and Karla:

Please enjoy this guest post from Karla.  They have quite the story:


Our journey to adoption began long before my husband and I even knew each other.  I remember vividly watching the Sunday night 20/20 expose on the orphanages in Romania and thinking, “I want to do something, I want to adopt one of those kids!”  And I set my mind then that someday, some way I would adopt a child who needed a family.  When Mike and I met, we discovered that both of us had a heart for adoption and knew that someday, someway our family would grow through adoption.

With the seed planted deep in our hearts, we began the journey of our married life.  Being the “wise and smart” young Christians that we were, we planned to have three biological children and then adopt a baby girl from China.  We had it all mapped out. 

Our first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage.  We were heartbroken but not deterred and not long after our doctor cleared us to try again we were pregnant a second time.  Our daughter Bethany was born in 1999.  My water broke at 23 weeks and I was on hospital bed rest for seven weeks.  Bethany was born at 30 weeks gestation and spent five weeks in the NICU.   In 2002 we suffered another miscarriage.  And in 2004 welcomed our first son, Josiah.  What a joy it was to have a healthy complication free pregnancy!  Two years later we were thrilled to be expecting another son.  At 35 weeks gestation I developed pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome and our 3rd child, Judah was born prematurely.  Thankfully, Judah was healthy and did not have to go into the NICU.

We had walked an interesting, and not so easy, road to our biological children.  God is indeed faithful and we praise Him and thank Him for the children He has granted us.  Our journey of five pregnancies and only one full term healthy baby made it even clearer to us that God would use adoption to grow our family.

In 2008, an extended family member experienced an unplanned pregnancy.  Adoption was never in the mother’s mind, but seeing her situation and praying for wisdom for her and for her baby brought adoption back to the forefront of our minds and hearts.  God used that circumstance to flip the switch and we were ready to pursue adoption.

While we had planned, all those years, to adopt from China, by 2008 the wait for a healthy baby was simply too long.  Our oldest child was now nine and we wanted our children to be closer in age than the wait for China would allow.  And seeing reports and news stories about the conditions of the orphanages in the former Soviet countries really gave us a heart for those children.  We decided to pursue an adoption from the small central Asian county of Kyrgyzstan. 

At the time that we started our adoption from Kyrgyzstan, an adoption of a healthy infant boy would take less than one year.  We stepped out in faith.  We knew that God was calling us to adoption and we knew that God always provides when He calls His people.  We would be utterly dependent on God and His provision for the finances of the adoption.  We had our tax return and the Bush tax stimulus and I was finishing my last year of teaching school and could apply my last four month’s salary to the cost, but that still left us short by several thousand dollars.

We had heard of LifeSong for Orphans through various ministries and applied for a matching grant.  We had several friends and family who wanted to contribute to our adoption expenses, but we wanted them to have a means to give that would provide accountability for the funds and allow them the tax benefits that donations to non-profit entities carries. 

Kyrgyzstan was the first of the former Soviet states to declare independence.  They are a proud and beautiful people.  And we have fallen in love with their culture.  And in August 2008, we fell in love with a little Kyrgyz baby boy.  We had received our referral for a five month old baby boy!  We chose the name Asa James and flew to Kyrgyzstan in September 2008 to meet Asa.

Shortly after we returned home from meeting and bonding with Asa James, adoptions in Kyrgyzstan came to a halt.  A moratorium on international adoption has been in place since February 2009.  We, along with sixty five other American families, still wait to bring our child home. 

It has been difficult to say the least.  But God has been faithful to us and has brought so many people to stand beside us in the fight to bring Asa home. 

And with the moratorium in Kyrgyzstan, God was not finished calling us to step out in faith.  He was calling us to complete another adoption while we waited for Asa.  He called us back to China.  To the China special needs program.

While waiting for Asa, we learned a lot about the Waiting Child program in China.  With one biological child who has profound special needs, we did not think we should adopt another child who would have lifelong needs.  But we learned that so many children wait for families in China (and other countries) that have health or other issues that are very treatable in the United States. And they are certainly not lifelong needs.

We began our China Waiting Child adoption in January 2010.  With the matching grant and friend/family contributions from LifeSong for Orphans, we had prepaid all of our agency fees for our Kyrgyz adoption. Since that adoption was now on hold, we had a large credit with our agency.  The credit was just enough to cover the fees for the China program.  We finished our home study in record time and began assembling our dossier.  In February we got the call.  We had a referral for a beautiful baby boy!  Ezra Joseph was 10 months old and had been born with a cleft lip and palate.  While our hearts were guarded, having pictures of little Ezra only spurred us on to get our dossier finished as quickly as possible! 

We traveled to China in September 2010 and met little Ezra on September 19, 2010.  He became legally ours the next day!   Ezra is simply a delight and he fits right in with our crazy family!  His cleft lip was repaired in China and we had his palate repaired last December.  We have since had one more surgery to fix a small fistula in his palate.  And he has done wonderfully.  I was afraid of what the surgeries and hospital stays would do to the attachment we had formed, but our bond has only gotten stronger.  While we wish he did not have to endure painful surgeries and procedures, God has used those things to knit our hearts and make our family stronger.

We are in awe of how God used the journey to adopt ONE child to bring us two sons.  One of them naps in his crib right now; the other still waits for us."

Thank you Karla!  What a beautiful story!  And we will definitely keep your family in our prayers as you wait for little Asa to come home!