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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Lifeseong (2)


Paying it forward...


We were delighted to get this email from a Lifesong family who, several years ago, received a matching grant that assisted them in their adoption journey to China...

Dear Lifesong,

We wanted to send another letter of thanks out to your organization for helping us with a matching grant during our adoption journey.  It was so very helpful, and we deeply appreciate the work that you do!  It has been over 3 years since we returned from China with our daughter, and even though it has been a difficult road at times, we wouldn’t change a thing.  Our daughter will be turning eight years old on the 26th of March. 

In honor of that special day we would like to “pay forward” a $1,500 matching grant to a family similar to ours.  We would like to provide this for a family that on paper doesn’t seem to qualify for help and is adopting an older or special needs child.  

Thank you again for all you do,

Lifesong family (asked to remain anonymous)

WOW! What a JOY it is for us to be able to work with families like this whose hearts are displaying the glory of our Father God!


Thank you...

Orphan Advocates,

THANK YOU!... for how you give generously & are faithful to support Lifesong's work. Here is one small glimpse into the joy & life change you enable through your giving!
A thank-you letter & testimony we received recently from a Lifesong Adoption Grant family... 
Dear Life Song for Orphans,
On September 11, 2009, after being forever home for only 6 weeks, Adalia Rae Hasabe Crawley became a United States Citizen. It just so happens that day was also the Ethiopian New Year! What a day it was for our family! 
We chose the name Adalia for our Ethiopian princess because it means, YAHWEH is JUST. While in Ethiopia, we found out that her given name, Hasabe, means "my dream, or wish." And since the Lord laid her into our hearts through our wishes and dreams, we knew we could never let go of that name. That is how Adalia Rae Hasabe Crawley came to be known as our Addy girl!
Addy is two years old, and was infected with a common virus (CMV) while in utero. Addy has seen many doctors and specialists in Houston, and we are so thankful that the Lord provided a home and family that is close to the best doctors in the world (the Texas Medical Center). We continue to be in awe over how the Lord has provided for our little girl, even when we didn't know who she was. 
And speaking of provision, we want to thank you, LifeSong, for providing our family with a matching grant. What a blessing it was and will continue to be. I also want to personally thank Marla who was so quick to get our funds to us when our process went from 0 to 90 in just a few days time. I wasn't sure we were going to have all the money in time to travel, but the Lord and a few faithful servants (like Marla) made sure that every dime got to where it needed to go.  We are so thankful!
Just the other day I was sitting with Addy, feeding her, and I felt the Lord speaking to my heart. As I stared at Addy I thought, "All this time, I thought this journey was about you, but it was really about us." I thought this adoption journey was about "saving" one of the 143 million orphans in the world. It was SO much bigger than that. The Lord is changing our family. We only thought we knew what we wanted in this life. The Lord has blessed our life and family with Addy and we cannot wait to adopt again. We have been ruined for the cause of orphans, and we couldn't be more thrilled! 
Thank you for what you are doing to defend the cause of orphans. We are so thankful to have been associated with your organization. Because of what you do, a little girl fromEthiopia, is receiving love, care, food, medical attention, and finding out who Jesus is. All glory to Him, who sits on the throne! He is JUST."
 Our beautiful Ethipian princess, Addy -

 We thank God for how He is using you!