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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Lifesong (107)


Ukraine | The least of these...


Lifesong Ukraine has been actively involved in reaching the fatherless and has taken the additional step to also touch orphans with special needs (SN). Unfortunately, these children and young adults tend to be tucked away from society in remote orphanages, hospitals & villages specifically designated for SN, which keeps these children out-of-sight & out-of-mind…But never out of the mind of our Father, who is Father of all!  

The Lifesong team in Ukraine is showing the love of Christ to SN orphanages twice a week for Constant Christian Presence (CCP) and crafts, arts, sports, etc.  Additionally, weekly trips are made to kids with SN who are under short-term hospital care.

Please join us in Praise & Prayer for this ministry...


  • Dedicated team members
  • Local church & pastoral involvement
  • 5 day camp at celebrating Christmas, New Years and birthdays of orphans


  • Children that are being touched by Lifesong
  • More Ukrainian volunteers/staff with hearts to serve in SN ministry
  • Sufficient transportation for staff to travel to SN orphanages
  • God to stir the hearts of SN orphanage administration to be open to Lifesong/CCP in their facilities
  • Wisdom for strategies & goals to ultimately show orphans Jesus Christ
  • Consistent financial support ($3,000/month)  

 Pictures from camp…




"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me"

-Jesus (Matthew 25:40)


New Church Fund Partner

We are very excited to introduce a new church fund partner - Pathway Community Church in Fort Wayne, IN.

Check them out here...


Domino effect...

We recently received an email from the Shannon family, that Lifesong helped to provide financial assistance to about two years ago. Their story speaks volumes...

Almost 2 years ago we were given a matching grant through Lifesong to assist us with our adoption of our daughter Hanna from Ethiopia. Since that time, our lives have been totally turned upside down.

There are so many things that I could share with you about the process that the Lord took us on to get us to this point, but it is so very involved. One of them involved a picture I had for days on end that involved broken, sick children finding healing and going to get their friends so that they could experience hope, too.

The short version is, in 2 weeks our family is moving to Ethiopia! We will be moving for at least 3 years with the intent of planting an English speaking church in Addis Ababa. Our family is totally stoked... and we are also very excited to have Hanna back in her homeland.

Here is where I think the picture gets huge - The dream is that we would plant a church that could become a launch pad for indigenous church planting throughout the country. Of course, one major mark which we would want to see in these churches is concern for the broken, poor, orphan, and widow. We desire to see the message of hope spread that comes through the breaking in of God's Rule and Reign.

I am reminded of the multiplication factor of sowing into Kingdom ministry. Two years ago, because of the faithful supporters of Lifesong we were assisted in our adoption of a little Ethiopian girl. God used the events surrounding her adoption to begin a process in us that would lead us to Ethiopia, too. Now there is the potential for a church to be planted in Addis Ababa, which has the potential of planting other churches, which have the potential of bringing hope to orphans, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the poor, the widow, and the broken. I stand amazed at the domino effect that God brings about!

Along the way, one of our friends told us that she felt that, "The child shall lead them" would be true for us. Now, we see that it is. God will use Hanna to lead us into a Kingdom adventure in her homeland.

Thank you for the vital part that you played in this!

Please continue all that you do in taking up the cause of orphans everywhere!

To read more, click here.



Reminder - Tough Ministries Conference

Tough Ministries Conference 09 is designed to encourage, support and equip churches of all sizes to intentionally and lovingly create ministries for the lost, least and looked-over members of today’s society.

Lifesong will be represented at this event, speaking on Innovative Adoption Funding Solutions, Establishing a Church Adoption Fund, and Plugging Your Church Into Orphan Care.


Check out main conference speakers here and breakout sessions here.


Lifesong Ukraine | Special Needs Camp

Lifesong Ukraine held it's first ever Special Needs camp Stars and Light this past summer. It was a great experience! The goal of the camp was to bring a spark of joy in their hearts, not only to the kids (Stars), but also to the orphanage staff.





The Ukraine director states,

 We have an enthusiastic team of staff and volunteers on the SN initiative. It is small and young, but looks like they are very committed to bring a joy and purpose to those kids. It was a great encouragement to all of us that the SN initiative develops in the right direction and that we were able to bring a true Light in a way that many kids have the ability to understand."

The camp was a 6 days event on the SN orphanage ground (120 km away). There were 6 camp team members for 125 kids and 27 orphanage workers. There were crafts, sports, games, etc.