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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Lifesong (107)


Orphan Awareness Seminar

Dark to Dawn Ministries held an orphan and adoption seminar on Saturday, September 26, 2009 in Newbury Park, CA. The passion of Dark to Dawn is to equip believers from any and every season in life to discover their God-directed path to care for orphans.

Through God's Word, they introduced attendees to several ways you can get involved in caring for orphans. Check out their ideas for caring for orphans in any stage of life. The event was completely bathed in prayer as the committee prayed over each registered attendee.



 Each attendee was encouraged to consider how they could incorporate National Orphan Sunday into their church and community.






There was also a panel of advocates availalbe to share their stories and field questions.



The committee also used the event to announce their partnership with Lifesong through the Conejo Valley Adoption Fund, which local churches can get involved in.

An attendee shared,

Last Saturday was a delightful event. The display tables were helpful, the presenters were engaging, the panel members were authentic and the closing comments were brilliant and very valuable. We don't hear enough about the need to "understand" bonding/connection from the child's perspective.

In my opinion, the day was a home run!!"

Another said,

The scales fell from my eyes.  Now, we just need to ask the Lord where do we go from here, we'll go....where he leads..."

As you can see, the event was a huge success!


Immanuel Baptist | Church Fund Partner

Immanuel Baptist Church in Louisville, KY recently joined Lifesong by creating a church adoption fund.

In July, Immanuel Baptist decided to emphasize adoption, by preaching on the topic three weeks in a row! They focused on the vision for adoption, theology of adoption, and orphan care from James 1:27. During this time, they also had an adoption fair where they raised money for their Lifesong adoption fund and had 30 families commit to adopting during their campaign. The time concluded with a question and answer session with foster parents and adoptive families.

IBC has an abundance mentality and have expanding their orphan care ministry further than assisting families financially. The Louisville Orphan Care Initiative (LOCI) team attended these events and felt led to form a relationship with the IBC ministry team. After getting to know the team, LOCI decided to assist in this kick-off by making a donation to their adoption fund.

We feel so blessed to be a part of stories like this! To Him be the glory!


Adopting the Older Child

Posted on September 23rd by the Tapestry Team,

Adopting the Older Child

In light of the fact that more and more families are considering and pursuing older child adoptions, earlier this year Tapestry hosted an event entitled Adopting the Older Child.

Older child adoption comes with its own unique set of joys and challenges, and this Tapestry event explored both.  In addition, the event focused on helping parents and parents-to-be better understand what to expect, how to respond and where to turn for support and help when it comes to older child adoption."

Read the rest of the article here.

Lifesong will be speaking at the 2009 Tapestry Adoption & Foster Care Conference on Saturday, October 24th at Irving Bible Church. Registration is now open...


Adoption Uncovered on September 12th

On Saturday, September 12, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Irving Bible Church, Tapestry will host an event entitled Adoption Uncovered: Understanding the Adoptee's Perspective. This unique event will be led by adult adoptees from different backgrounds and will provide helpful insight into some of the often felt, but seldom discussed thoughts, struggles and emotions that adoptees deal with. At this event attendees will also be able to pre-register for the 2009 Tapestry Adoption & Foster Care Conference in order to guarantee their spot.

Childcare will be available for this event for ages 0-12 with registration at least 48 hours in advance. Click here for information about how to register for childcare.

For more information contact Amy Monroe at


Who and What we are Working for....Pasha, Sergei, Alena

Gary & Marla with some of the kids Lifesong for Orphans serves in eastern Ukraine...