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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in adoption funding (38)


Family Friday: "Many wanted to do more..."

Listen in with Dave & Sue as they share their expereince of adoption fundraising with Lifesong.  Dave & Sue adopted their two children, Erica (6) and Silas (2), from Ghana and we were so excited to be just one piece of the puzzle to help bring them home to a forever family! 

We have a great support system made up of family and friends in our community and church. They have all prayed for us and helped us prepare for the arrival of our two kids through an adoption shower. But, many wanted to do more and Lifesong provided them the opportunity to support us financially while also receiving a record of their donation and a tax deduction.  Everyone at Lifesong was more than willing to answer our questions and our emails were responded to almost immediately. We also appreciated the encouragement and prayers from the staff.

The fact that Lifesong is a 501c3 helped us immensely. More people gave because of the stability and professionalism of Lifesong. The letter of support for our adoption and fundraising was also a big help. Knowing that we had to go through an application process and be accepted to fundraise with Lifesong offered those who know us, but not well, the peace of mind that the funds would be used appropriately. And, we were pleasantly surprised how many people donated money that we didn’t know or hardly knew.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! May God richly bless you all for your commitment to helping orphans around the world. Your work has truly been a blessing to our family. 

-Dave & Sue, adoptive parents 

 To learn more about adoption funding, visit our website. 


Family Friday: John & Meredith

Time for another Family Friday feature!

Let me introduce to you John and Meredith, 2nd-time adoptive parents from China.  They returned home this spring after their adoption of little Sam.

Please listen in as the share some of the joys, struggles and excitement of God's gift of adoption!

This was our second SN adoption from China within two years. We would have been unable to afford this adoption without the grant we received from Lifesong (& Jeeah's Hope Adoption Fund). Because we were familiar with China adoptions, this experience was very simple and smooth--but of course not fast! We had a wonderful experience with our agency as well as our adoption process.

Lifesong was so helpful and worked with us every step of the way. We so appreciate that Lifesong helped us to walk this path.

One major 'God-thing' through our process was that Sam was a child with special needs--a heart baby. He was born with an ASD. When we brought him home and had his heart checked by the cardiologist, God had healed him!!


Joy of Easter: An Adoption Story


Seeinng the title of this blogpost, you might think we are a week behind. But, as you heard from Scott and Heidi, today is Good Friday in Ethiopia leading into their Easter weekend.  

What a special time for God to show His great faithfulness and steadfast love to Scott and Heidi as they adopted Zion and Fisher into their forever family.
This Easter season, we pray that each of you came to a deeper understanding of the incredible price and selfless ransom Jesus Christ paid for our adoption.
"We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters." 
1 John 3:16
To learn more about adoption grants & loans, please visit our website.

Both Hands: Beautiful Things...

Excited to share with you another Both Hands Project! Check it out....

Want to know more? Visit the Both Hands Foundation website to see how YOU can live out James 1:27!


Family Friday: Eric & Samantha

I couldn't help but share this sweet & creative thank you note we received from Eric & Samantha. We feel blessed to partner with them in their adoption funding.  Please join them in prayer as they continue on their journey to adopt from Lesotha.

He said to the Israelites, “In the future when your descendants ask their parents, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them, ‘Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground...He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful and so that you might always fear the LORD your God.”   Joshua 4:21, 24

I’ve always been interested by Standing Stones, monuments made out of precariously balanced, random rocks. In Scripture, a pile of standing stones is often created to commemorate something great that God has done, like when Israel passed through the Jordan River or when Jacob wrestled with God.  Through the process of our adoption, God is doing something spectacular, worth remembering for years to come. In honor of you and others who have given so generously to help bring two orphans into our family, we have created our own remembrance. This is the beginning of a new family quilt. Each leaf is labeled with the name of each person who has walked with us, whether in a big way or small. Your name is on this quilt and we thank God for your love and generosity. We have been blessed to add you onto our quilt, our pile of standing stones.  

-Eric & Samantha