Family Friday: "Many wanted to do more..."

Listen in with Dave & Sue as they share their expereince of adoption fundraising with Lifesong. Dave & Sue adopted their two children, Erica (6) and Silas (2), from Ghana and we were so excited to be just one piece of the puzzle to help bring them home to a forever family!
We have a great support system made up of family and friends in our community and church. They have all prayed for us and helped us prepare for the arrival of our two kids through an adoption shower. But, many wanted to do more and Lifesong provided them the opportunity to support us financially while also receiving a record of their donation and a tax deduction. Everyone at Lifesong was more than willing to answer our questions and our emails were responded to almost immediately. We also appreciated the encouragement and prayers from the staff.
The fact that Lifesong is a 501c3 helped us immensely. More people gave because of the stability and professionalism of Lifesong. The letter of support for our adoption and fundraising was also a big help. Knowing that we had to go through an application process and be accepted to fundraise with Lifesong offered those who know us, but not well, the peace of mind that the funds would be used appropriately. And, we were pleasantly surprised how many people donated money that we didn’t know or hardly knew.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! May God richly bless you all for your commitment to helping orphans around the world. Your work has truly been a blessing to our family.
-Dave & Sue, adoptive parents
To learn more about adoption funding, visit our website.