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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in makeover (1)


Tear Down That Tent!! - Lifesong Honduras

It's official! The 'extreme makeover' has begun for Tree of Life/Lifesong Honduras' new Multi-Purpose Building! This new building will be used as the primary assembly space, dining hall as well as gymnasium for our 550 students and staff.

Our staff in-country are diligently posting day-by-day updates of the construction progress and we invite you to join in the journey! Simply click here to keep track of Lifesong Honduras' new makeover and look for updates on Lifesong's Facebook Page.

We hope that you will join us in prayer for the safety of the workers, wisdom of the staff, and the future impact this project will have on our students! 

The progress so far...  

 Last worship service in the tent 

The tent coming down  

Old foundation removed

New space beginning to form!

For more day-to-day here.