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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Summit (3)


Upcoming Conferences...

The Global Leadership Summit

Willow Creek Community Church

South Barrington, IL and 170+ locations across North America!

August 11-12

This conference which aims to transform Christian leaders around the world with an injection of vision, skill development, and inspiration for the sake of the local church.  It will be broadcast from Willow Creek Community Church to more than 170 locations and has over 100,000 people attending.  This is one you won't want to miss!  

Find out more HERE!


Empowered to Connect 

Brentwood Baptist Church

Nashville, TN

September 23-24

If you haven't heard us talk about the ETC conferences before click HERE.  These conferences provide a great resource for anyone involved in adoption, foster or orphan care!

Find out more HERE!


It's Open!

Registration for this year's Summit conference, put on by the Christian Alliance for Orphans, is open!  This will be my third Summit and, let me tell you, I am very excited!  

With speakers like Karyn Purvis, Russell Moore, and Dennis Rainey and musical guests like Sara Groves, not to mention the hundreds of orphan advocates from around the world that will be attending!  Sounds like a weekend I won't want to miss!  Good thing I'll be there along with the rest of the Lifesong crew!

If you want to register click here and we'll see you in May!


Lightning's adoption testimony

Lightning Ahler's gave his adoption testimony at the Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit in Dallas Texas, April 30th 2009.

You can't see it in this video but at the end of his speech the audience was on their feet in applause.

Lightning Ahlers - My Adoption Story from The Ahlers Family on Vimeo.