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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Taylor (1)


God was orchestrating a plan...

As Joshua and Bethany Taylor were in the midst of the adoption process, she writes,

While I complained about not having “children of my own,” God was orchestrating a plan to bring two precious children into our lives.  While I grieved and whined out prayers to God, unaware that He had already sovereignly answered, He was shaping a heart in me to not just be a biological mother, but a spiritual mother.  I’m growing even more now to understand who a mother really is, and that being a mother is so much more than biological DNA."

After much anticipation, Joshua and Bethany flew to Ethiopia in January of 2009 to bring their precious kiddos (Fekadu and Tigist) home!

 Lifesong for Orphans was blessed to have helped this family by providing them with a matching grant.