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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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You don't want to miss this webinar!

How does an adoption fund fit with your church's mission/vision?

  • Evangelize the lost – Adoption is evangelism at its core…Bringing the mission field home, where children are loved, cared for, and discipled to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.
  • Edify the saved – Adoption Fund challenges, encourages, and enables Believers to put their faith in action, by stepping out in faith to adopt (fulfilling God’s commands in scripture).
  • Minister to those in need There are millions of children waiting for forever families who would like to adopt them, but just can’t because of the financial barrier.
  • Be a Conscience in the community –  As th e Church becomes obedient to God’s commands concerning the fatherless, the community will see Jesus Christ is alive and working in the lives of His people to care for those children who can’t care for themselves.

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