and our winner is...

Well... we'll get to that in a minute.
First I want to share with you a story of a young couple who desired a family of their own. A young couple who had plans. A young couple who were given new plans designed by God.
Meet Matt and Christie
When Matt and Christie decided to have children they experienced a series of miscarriages and infertility. And so the adoption process began, a decision made easier by the support of friends who had already adopted and an interest-free loan provided by Lifesong.
They originally decided to adopt a Caucasian newborn domestically, but when they discovered a greater need to adopt non-Caucasian babies, they felt God prompting them to move in that direction. Meanwhile they also discovered they were pregnant!
Knowing that God had placed adoption on their hearts for a time and purpose they decided to continue with their adoption process and on August 13, 2010, they were given little Micah Aaron.
Now Matt and Christie are experiencing God's fullness (and business) with their new baby boy and a baby on the way in October!
Congratulations Matt and Christie! We are blessed to be a part of your story!
And now, on to the winner of 1 Gobena t-shirt and 1 Journey On CD...
The winner is...
Joy Bass Ohler!
Congratulations, Joy!
You can email with your information and we will send you your prize!
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