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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in adopt (5)


Chosen for Life Conference

**This event has been cancelled as of 10/14/10.

First Christian Church in Champaign, IL is hosting an adoption and foster care conference on Saturday, October 23rd, featuring author and keynote speaker, Jill Savage.  If you're looking for a great opportunity to be challenged and encouraged in the adoption/foster care journey check it out! 

To register go to


and our winner is...

Well... we'll get to that in a minute.

First I want to share with you a story of a young couple who desired a family of their own.  A young couple who had plans.  A young couple who were given new plans designed by God.

Meet Matt and Christie


When Matt and Christie decided to have children they experienced a series of miscarriages and infertility.  And so the adoption process began, a decision made easier by the support of friends who had already adopted and an interest-free loan provided by Lifesong.

They originally decided to adopt a Caucasian newborn domestically, but when they discovered a greater need to adopt non-Caucasian babies, they felt God prompting them to move in that direction.  Meanwhile they also discovered they were pregnant!

Knowing that God had placed adoption on their hearts for a time and purpose they decided to continue with their adoption process and on August 13, 2010, they were given little Micah Aaron.

Now Matt and Christie are experiencing God's fullness (and business) with their new baby boy and a baby on the way in October!

Congratulations Matt and Christie!  We are blessed to be a part of your story!


And now, on to the winner of 1 Gobena t-shirt and 1 Journey On CD...

The winner is...

Joy Bass Ohler!


Congratulations, Joy!  

You can email with your information and we will send you your prize!


One Year Ago

A year ago today in Ethiopia, Kenny and Jana were introduced to two little boys... two little boys who had consumed their prayers for months... two little boys born in a different land with a completely different culture... two little boys for whom they had traveled across the world to rescue and call their own.


When Kenny and Jana first decided to adopt in May 2008, they knew they would face some financial barriers.  They received a matching grant through Highview and Louisville Orphan Care Alliance in partnership with Lifesong for Orphans, and by January of the following year they raised almost $26,000 for their adoption!

Now, 7 year-old Charlie and 3 year-old Sam are thriving.  And though this road has been anything but easy, Kenny and Jana would choose nothing else.  As they watch their boys grow, they are excited to instill an understanding of God's mighty hand in their lives.

I can’t wait until the boys are old enough to understand the testimony of faith that brought them to America and forever into the Cook family. I pray that they will use this awesome story as a part of their own personal testimony and share it for years to come!

~Jana Cook

Happy Gotcha Day, Cooks!
Check out their blog here!


10 kids in a VW Bug?

Meet Lilya and Voloday.

They are parents of 10 children (5 biological, 5 with HIV).

This Ukrainian family (yes, all 12) drive to work, school, church, etc in a car similar to the size of a VW Bug.

Lifesong Ukraine is looking to raise funds for this family who has been obedient to the call of our Father: to love and care for the orphans.   Because of their faithfulness to this calling, locally they expect to raise $10,000 to cover half of the cost of a 8-10 passanger van.

We would ask that you please join us in faithful prayer for Lilya, Voloday, their children and local church as they continue to follow and trust in Christ for their every need.


"I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20


A Story that Never Grows Old...


Mark and Aditi’s story began when an amazing chain of events was set in motion following her first mission trip to an orphanage in Mexico. While there, Aditi felt a call by God to adopt. After Mark and Aditi were made aware of three young orphans in Guatemala (sisters in need of a home) - they were told they would probably not meet the two criteria required to adopt these particular girls. Because the sisters were not to be split up, the orphanage specified that prospective parents must be bilingual and have no other children. Surprisingly, Aditi and Mark met both requirements and nearly immediately were qualified and approved for the adoption.

Two miracles of the heart were taking place simultaneously. God placed an unquenchable longing to adopt three girls deep in the heart of this couple. They had a dream of becoming a family to three sisters, seemingly forgotten in a Guatemalan orphanage.

They faced mounting costs and unpredictable obstacles. But nothing could have prepared them for what they witnessed during the adoption process as they experienced God’s promises to orphans—in action. Promises to help them and to rescue them.

During the adoption process, Aditi and Mark experienced financial challenges towards completing this adoption - “It was tough...but we never lost hope. Each time we encountered financial problems, God provided help”

After two and a half years, and feelings of doubt and frustration the Guatemalan embassy gave final approval - “Those little girls were saved for us,” shared Aditi. “It’s like we were a family the whole time.”

Although the amount of time it took to complete the adoption process was unusually long, Aditi and Mark look back and are convinced that God was using the time to strengthen their faith. As their marriage was tested, they became more prayerful. They received personal encouragement from people all over the world. People they never met were praying for them and they felt it. Aditi added, “We know this was a miracle and we are so thankful for our girls. We can see that God was always in control and He used our story to show His glory.”


The James Fund and Lifesong for Orphans partnered together to help bring Griselda, Gabriela and Beatriz home through Adoption Matching Grants.