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Both Hands: how it all began...


We've highlighted Both Hands projects before (check here and here) and this ministry has been such a valuable addition to Lifesong for Orphans.  But do you know how Both Hands came about in the first place?  Here's a word from the founder, JT:

The idea for Both Hands came as the result of a simple letter to a friend. I wrote to ask if he’d sponsor me while I golfed. The funds would go to a wonderful ministry for women in crisis pregnancies. My friend sent my letter back with a handwritten message saying that he’d gladly support my efforts if I was working on a widow’s house instead of playing golf.

For five years that letter stuck with me, until another friend, who was adopting four children from Moldova, expressed his need to raise funds to pay for it. That’s when the idea for Both Hands grew legs. We recruited other friends, found a widow’s house in need of repairs, got local businesses to donate supplies and food, and hundreds of people sent in checks to sponsor the workers that day. It was a day I will never forget! We raised enough money to put a dent in my friend’s adoption expenses, and totally transformed Miss Lucille’s house: Success story numbes one and two!

JT Olson, Founder of Both Hands

And just for kicks I'm going to share one of my favorite BH videos that was created about a year and a half ago.  *warning* this one makes me cry every time I see it, so be on guard... it's a tear jerker.  

The cool thing for me is that this fall I had the opportunity to go with JT to interview the Twetens and meet their little boy Sam, who they'd just brought home from Russia.  (unfortunately that footage isn't ready for viewing but maybe it will be a future Family Friday feature... you liking the alliteration?)

(I know you're all wondering) What was my favorite part?  I got to ask Sam a little question and he answered back... all in Russian!  Melt my heart!  Now, understand that I don't speak Russian well, certainly not enough to have any sort of conversation... but just enough to ask a simple question and understand a simple answer.  It was a bonding moment... if he remembers it... which he probably doesn't.

Anyway... enjoy the video!

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Reader Comments (2)

this is one of my favorite bh videos too!! i'm with you leslie...i cry...every....time. :)

January 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterleah

the best part, is when you play it for a room full of men... and they cry too! i love playing witness to the Spirit at work in the hearts of leaders in our churches and families.

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