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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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Family Friday (on Monday!): Tom and Tiffini

Tom and Tiffini adopted two brothers from Ethiopia, Lukas and Yakob. (look at those smiles!)

Here, Tiffini shares a little of their story:

I had been praying about adopting for 3 years.  However, my husband was not feeling the same call from the Lord.  So, I waited and prayed.  In November of 2009 God moved my husband's heart at a church men's retreat.  He made it clear to us both that now was the time to adopt... siblings!

We started the process immediately, but when we found out how high the cost of adopting siblings was, I admit that I experienced some fear and panic.  But even though we did not have the money we knew that God had called us to this.  So we moved forward, trusting that God would provide.

When I found out about Lifesong and Both Hands I was so excited.  This idea was straight from God!  My husband and I were both sure that this was God's answer and His way of providing for us.  We told family and friends and applied to Lifesong to begin a Both Hands project.

Totally unexpectedly, on February 22nd, the same day I sent in our applcation to Lifesong, we received a referral of two precious little brothers... only two weeks after getting our paperwork done!  Wow.  We were overwhelmed and so amazed of God's plan.

But wait.  Now we had to come up with a huge chunk of money much sooner than we'd expected.  I contacted Lifesong and told them our story.  We no longer had time to complete a Both Hands project.  Our need was immediate.  On March 4th I was contacted by Lifesong to tell me that an anonymous donor had promised a $4,000 matching grant to our family!

We immediately began sending out fundraising letters and within 3 weeks the Lord had provided the entire $4,000 in donations!  Not only that, but donations continued to come, and in the end almost half of our adoption expenses were covered as a result!

Lifesong was extremely instrumental in making our adoption a possibility.  We cannot express our gratitude.  Looking back on this experience, we saw God's hand move in miraculous ways over and over again.  May He get all the glory!

Thanks Tom and Tiffini!  Lifesong is blessed to be a part of your story!

You can read more on their blog HERE!

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