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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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the Smell of Shelves

It's been a while since I attended good ol' Gridley Grade School, but one thing I remember vividly is the smell of the school library.  

(sigh)  I used to love to meander (needless to say, i wasn't the most focused student) through the shelves, breathing deeply the smell of wood and old books.  


Can you imagine a school where the books are few, and even more, there are no shelves to store them? Honestly it's a hard picture for me to grasp.  It's really a very basic need, shelves in the classroom, but in Liberia this is one basic need they have to go without.

For the kids at Lifesong Liberia we want to change that.  

If your interested in helping, you can find this along with a list of other needs by clicking HERE

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