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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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Updates from Lifesong Zambia

We are blessed to give you an update from Lifesong Zambia from missionary Leslie Ringger,

"We are praising the Lord for the ability to get a cement mixer!  We've been able to complete so much more in our numerous building projects this month, namely two buildings on the farm, and a home addition that will give our new team member, accountant-extraordinaire, Sheila Schwab, a place to call home. We're so thankful to have her join our team!

As we begin our second year in strawberry farming we realize that there is still much we are learning in the process, but we thank God for His leading and trust Him to provide the increase of our labors.  It is an honor to work beside an amazing group of Zambian women who have a desire to serve God and a drive to lift their families out of poverty. They are an encouragement to us all.


And here is a picture of our Lifesong students' first day with their new uniforms! They are praising Jesus for something most American kids are thankful NOT to have. How ironic!"

 Please continue to pray for our staff and children at Lifesong Zambia!

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