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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Empowered to Connect

Virtually every facet of the Christian orphan movement—from foster care and adoption ministries to overseas orphan care—is growing more robust by the day. In both discussion and ministry-emphasis, however, one vital element can often be overlooked: the resources, training and support needed by families whose children via adoption, foster care or otherwise have special emotion, psychological or relational challenges to overcome.

Our friends from Tapestry, Michael and Amy Monroe, and Dr. Karyn Purvis have teamed up to engage this need with a significant new website, Empowered to Connect. It promises to be a great resource for sharing wisdom and skills among families, ministries and others committed to helping parents connect fully with their children, even in the face of real difficulties. The site already contains a solid and growing online library of articles, audio and video presentations. It will play an important role in helping to build out an aspect of the orphan movement that has often been underdeveloped. More importantly, it will help many families overcome real barriers to grow deep connectedness between parent and child.



"bike-wash" for orphans


Our kids and some of their neighborhood friends got together and did a "bike-wash for orphans" on a recent summer day. Fun to watch them live that day with purpose & intentionality...

The shined up those neighborhood bikes and added a little tire dressing too!

Investment: creativity, fun and 1 day's work

Return ROI:

$12 in sales that are given to help orphans through Lifesong, and a few kids whose heart for orphans and vulnerable children just widened a bit further...






Opportunity to serve more children | India

Bill Perkins (author, speaker, and Orphan Advocate) guides us through this video...

Giving a little glimpse into the Lifesong-India staff people who daily serve, love, and care for the orphans and vulnerable children in India.  You'll see how many years of faithfulness they have given to these children...

as well as the opportunity for us to continue to serve them...


  Check out Bill Perkin's ministry and how he is advocating for vulnerable children...



let it alter our lives | social justice

Charles Lee from Catalyst challenges us:

Let this "social justice" not just be a claim, or a brand, or a slogan... Rather....let it alter our lives!

Catalyst Voices - Charles Lee on Social Justice from Catalyst on Vimeo.



A little beauty...

Just for fun!...some recent pics of of our precious kiddos!


Courtesy of a great photographer