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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in adoption assistance (47)


Adopt an Orphanage - Sveta's Story

Inviting you to create more 'Sveta stories' through your church! We don't want you to miss out on this.... 

It is our honor & joy to partner with churches in adoption funding as their families provide homes, families, a sense of belonging, and the love of Christ Jesus to orphans all around the world.  For each precious child that is adopted into a loving family, there are so many children that are not adopted. Children around the world that are longing for family or just the love from someone that knows their name and their story.

We would like to give churches the opportunity to help care for orphans who may never be adopted.  You can help them through our Orphan Care programs.  In each orphanage, we are providing Christian mentors whose purpose is to build trusting, loving relationships with the children--the ultimate goal of guiding them toward fruitful Christian lives. While Lifesong is helping to "bring joy and purpose to orphans" - the job is too big for us to do alone....we need your help. We invite you to participate in what God is doing on behalf of the fatherless through the "Adopt-an-Orphanage" program.

Would you and your church family to prayerfully consider making a 2-3 year commitment to "adopt" one specific orphanage/facility? This "Adopt-an-Orphanage" commitment could include:

  • Yearly Mission Trips
  • Letter-writing sponsorship (we'll translate for you!)
  • Finanically support ministry

Want to see how it works? Check out video that creatively depicts our 'Adopt-an-Orphanage' program...

Thank you again for your faithful partnership to bring joy & purpose to orphans! May God continue to bless and grow your ministry for His glory.


Family Friday: Matt & Jenni

 Lifesong is rejoicing with Matt & Jenni as they welcomed home their daughter from Ethiopia in August.  Lifesong had the honor of helping Matt & Jenni fundraise as they walked the journey of adoption.

Listen in to this special letter, written by Matt & Jenni, to their new daughter, Rachel Rose: as we hold you in our arms, we are so thankful for each and every single delay that happened. Because of those delays - we were the family who got to be assigned to receive YOU. YOU were the exact child God had picked out for our family. Since before time began, it was in His plan that YOU, Rachel Rose, would be born in Ethiopia and then adopted into our family. How did we get to be so blessed? The word “thankful” hardly begins to describe the depth of our gratitude to have YOU as our daughter. -Matt & Jenni


To learn more about adoption funding, visit Lifesong for Orphans.


Last Minute Christmas Ideas!

Still have those last couple gifts to buy? Consider giving a gift that has a purpose.  Proceeds of the following items will go towards Lifesong's in-country orphan care & adoption financial assistance!

Lifesong T-shirts - $20 (see store for more color options)


Taste of Heaven Cookbook - $22


Leslie Ringger's Journey On CD - $15


Gobena Coffee - $12.95/bag (see store for varieties)


Gobena T-shirts - $5.00

Gobena Ceramic Mug - $7.00

Gobena Go-Pack - $39.00

(1 travel mug, 1 lb/16 oz. of coffee, & 1 T-shirt)


Also, don't forget to check out more gift opportunities from Lifesong's Gift of Purpose catalog!

Finish up your Christmas shopping TODAY!



Family Friday: Scott & DeAnn


Kiara Louise Katherine, born 2/18/11

Dear Lifesong Staff,

We are so thankful to God for giving us a healthy and beautiful baby girl! Your ministry was a critical part in helping us fund our adoption It's difficult to put into words how much we appreciate that, and how much we love our new daughter! We continue to pray for Lifesong and all of the families and children you help around the world! Thank you!

Blessings & love,

Scott and DeAnn


Family Friday: Derry and Janelle

Meet Derry and Janelle!

They recently came home with they're little guy, Moses, from Uganda!  Here is what they have to say about their adoption experience and working with Lifesong:

When we first began looking at an international adoption we were overwhelmed by the cost.  However, we were confident this is what God has called us to do, we had to go for it. 

As we continued to move forward with the application and dossier we learned that great organizations like Lifesong help aid in the financial burden of adoption.  So, we began the search.  We came across Lifesong for Orphans and were intrigued.  We talked with some friends who had recently adopted and learned they too were blessed by Lifesong.  So we decided to apply.

Working with Lifesong was so wonderful.  Every person we communicated with was very helpful and kind.  After applying, we quickly learned we were blessed with a matching $2000 grant!  We were so excited and extremely thankful.  Not only were we blessed by Lifesong, but it also gave our family and friends an opportunity to join us on our journey.  When all said and done, our total gift was over $7,000.  We were blown away at how generous God’s people were.

And I love this little story Derry shares on his blog on their eventful last day in Uganda:

We were supposed to get a call from the US Embassy at 3 to let us know if Moses’ visa was ready.

At 3:10 we started calling around to everyone we needed. No car. No driver. We are stuck.

At 3:30 we were in utter confusion.  At risk of no Visa and not going to be able to change our tickets.

I posted on Facebook and Twitter:

I cannot begin to describe the spiritual attack that is happening right now. Pray against confusion, chaos. Pray for a car. Pray for a call.

You all must have started praying!

At 3:45, a car and driver loaned to us by another person at the apartment.

At 4:00 p.m., a call from the Embassy while stuck in traffic... "Your Visa is printing now."

I (Derry) hop on a boda boda (motorcycle taxi) and head to the Airline office to get Moses ticket printed.

Janelle stays in the car heading to the Embassy.

Janelle gets to the Embassy at 4:30 (15 minutes before close) and picks up Visa.

After a credit card rejection, a broken ticket printer, and an amazingly kind KLM and Kenya

Airways agents assistance, I get Moses' airline tickets 5 minutes before office close.”

Wow!  God certainly has a gift for pulling through in the final hour, doesn't He?  Thank you Derry and Janelle for sharing!  Lifesong is blessed to be a part of your story!

If you would like to read more about Derry and Janelle you can read Derry's blog HERE.