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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in adoption (170)


Outside the Walls Network

We invite you to listen in as Christ Fellowship's Mark Thomas shares the joys of working Outside the Walls...

A few years ago, Christ Fellowship wanted to provide a viable mechanism to effectively assist members of our body who believed God had called them to change their family through adoption.  The "viable mechanism" we found to assist our church in adoption was Lifesong for Orphans.  

After seeing some of our own members successfully walk through the adoption process, Lifesong approached Christ Fellowship to see if we would consider offering financial support for other followers of Christ outside of our church body who were pursuing adoption.  Realizing that Lifesong, the adopting family and Christ Fellowship all shared the same goal of impacting others for Christ, we agreed to join the Outside the Walls Network. 

Doing so has been an incredibly rewarding experience for all parties involved.  First, it has enabled families to fulfill their pursuit of adoption.  Second, it has afforded Lifesong with the ability to experience the joy of seeing other believers serve a family in need.  Third, it has blessed Christ Fellowship as we strive to be obedient to God's call.  Finally, and most importantly, I am convinced that God is glorified as his people work to support one another for his cause. 

Because of the significant impact a church body can have in an event such as adoption, we would ask others to consider partnering with Lifesong for Orphans to financially support families outside of your church who are walking through this experience.  If you prayerfully consider offering support to those believers outside of your immediate church body, I am confident that families will be blessed, lives will be changed and, above all, God will be glorified.

--Mark Thomas, Christ Fellowship  

Because of this mindset, 21 Church Adoption Funds within this network have together made 91 commitments totaling over $310,000 in adoption funding to assist families "outside of their walls".

Would you be willing to join the Network and reach more children together, than you could alone? 

We invite you to learn more about Outside the Walls Network to see if this is a possible fit for your church community.


Paying it forward...


We were delighted to get this email from a Lifesong family who, several years ago, received a matching grant that assisted them in their adoption journey to China...

Dear Lifesong,

We wanted to send another letter of thanks out to your organization for helping us with a matching grant during our adoption journey.  It was so very helpful, and we deeply appreciate the work that you do!  It has been over 3 years since we returned from China with our daughter, and even though it has been a difficult road at times, we wouldn’t change a thing.  Our daughter will be turning eight years old on the 26th of March. 

In honor of that special day we would like to “pay forward” a $1,500 matching grant to a family similar to ours.  We would like to provide this for a family that on paper doesn’t seem to qualify for help and is adopting an older or special needs child.  

Thank you again for all you do,

Lifesong family (asked to remain anonymous)

WOW! What a JOY it is for us to be able to work with families like this whose hearts are displaying the glory of our Father God!


Family Friday: Andrew & Jessica

Listen in as matching grant recipients Andrew & Jessica share their testimony of God's amazing provision as they adoption their little girl, Sophia Lynn, from China...

We had been to China several times on missions trips.  The most recent was before our adoption to a special needs orphanage where we agreed that God was leading us to pursue adoption through China’s special needs program. We knew that financially, we didn’t meet all their requirements. But we also knew if God led us to adopt, He would make a way.  

We were not intending to write support letters with our adoption. We had various fundraisers going and applied for several grants. Then we received the matching grant through Grace Church/Lifesong and we made a long list of friends and family who we could support letters to. We were overwhelmed and blessed at the response. We felt like we were able to keep people more ‘in the loop’ of our adoption journey through those letters and the follow up thank you’s.  We were also able to share what God was doing in our lives through our adoption process. 

We knew about our little girl from when we first applied to our agency, but were told she wouldn’t be getting her surgery or paperwork done in line with our process and it wouldn’t work to adopt her. We moved forward but kept coming back to her in our hearts. Six months into our process we were still feeling pulled towards this little girl so we asked about her again and our agency agreed to help us find a way to pursue her. They said it would be a miracle if it happened. After months of writing to her orphanage, praying, waiting, and more praying, we were a part of a miracle indeed! China not only said yes to us adopting but matched us with our little Sophia Lynn directly! We are still in awe of how it has all worked out. 

Grace Church/Lifesong, thank you for being the catalyst for us to bring more of our friends and family into the journey with us and let God be greatly glorified!  -Andrew, Jessica, & family


Summit VIII - Speakers


Summit VII is coming up May 3-4 in Lake Forest, CA (Saddleback Church)...will you be there?

Check out some of the speakers that will be there:

Rick Warren

Francis Chan

Kay Warren

Crawford Loritts

Jedd Medefind

...and so many more! To see the whole list of speakers, schedules, and how YOU can get resgistered, visit Summit VII


Family Friday: Jason & Sherry

Listen in as Jason & Sherry share their testimony from their recent adoption of their son Josiah,


We took a big step of faith in beginning our adoption experience.  We had put off adopting for several years due to the financial cost.  Finally, we decided that (on our own) we were never going to have the funds to adopt.  Feeling called by God to adopt, we knew we were just going to have to trust in God alone to complete the adoption for us.  We could NOT do it on our own.  We started the process with a tax refund check of $5,000 and no other money in savings.  Two years and $30,000 later, we came home with Josiah.  God worked it out completely.  Every time we needed money, he provided.  Lifesong was one of those ways that God came through.  We received a matching grant from Lifesong and got the added blessing of watching our friends and family help us bring Josiah home. -Jason & Sherry

 Thanks Jason & Sherry for partnering with Lifesong...It was such an honor for us to play just a small part in the work that God has done in your lives and your family!