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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in both hands; both hands foundation (4)


Family Friday: Frank and Sharon

Meet Frank and Sharon, a Lifesong and Both Hands family we were blessed to serve beside.  They adopted a little boy domestically who they named Will Franklin. It is SUCH a joy for us to work with loving Christian families who desire to bring children into their forever family!  Thank you Frank & Sharon for letting us be apart of your journey!

We stumbled upon Lifesong on our mad search for adoption grants and assistance.  I wasn’t much on filling out massive applications and writing grant letters, so it was much to my delight that Lifesong featured the Both Hands project opportunity.  We fell in love with the mission and felt that this was the direction God was leading us.  Lifesong managed all the incoming funds and paid out adoption invoices all while making it a seamless process for us.  What a blessing!  --Frank & Sharon


Both Hands: You Make Beautiful Things...

Another Both Hands project....

Dustin and Katie have answered God's call and stepped out in faith to adopt a little boy from South Korea. The Leonard Family and a team of volunteers worked on a widow's home to help raise funds to cover the high cost of adoption!

Since Mrs. Banegas' husband passed away, it's become more difficult for her to keep up with the necessary improvements and repairs to her home. So on April 28th, the Leonards and the team of volunteers worked on her home for the day.

Each volunteer raised sponsorship for their day of work. Since most of the supplies for the repairs on the widow's home are being donated, 100% of the money raised will help bring home this little boy to his forever family! 

Check out their video that won "The Best Christian Media" Award on Vimeo!

Click here to read a local new's article on this project!

Click here to see Dustin and Katie's fundraising page.

"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." — James 1:27 


Both Hands Celebration


We are rejoicing with Both Hands Foundation as they had their yearly Celebration last month to reflect on last year's success and to look forward to 2012.  Over 130 people attended which included 7 Both Hands adoptive families and 3 widows that have been served through this ministry. We join them in praise for the $20,000 they raised at this special event. 

My favorite moment was looking into the crowd to see so many friends who have sacrificed time, treasure, and talent to make Both Hands a reality and to have them say it’s been worth it! To be able to thank them, recognize them, and challenge them to do more, was a thrill for me. - JT Olson, founder of Both Hands Foundation


God will use YOU mightily!


a letter to the children left behind in Africa 


Someday God will use you.  He will not leave you as orphans.  Please God, You can do it.  Oh yes, God, He will go to them someday and He will love them.


I know that it is hard for kids to go without eating food the way I was in Africa.  My life was very bad.  I know there are other boys and girls still without families.  God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son will give you grace and mercy and peace.  he will be with us because we love the truth.


I will not forget about you kids.  I've been praying for you every day.  My dream is you.


When I was in Africa, I was the one who cooks and cleans and everything and God told my mommy to come and get me and she wanted to be my mommy.  If you see me now I am having a good time with my family.  I am having a good life with my nice and beautiful family forever.  I have the best family forever and ever.  Maybe God has a place for you.  I am always praying for you kids.  

Whenever I think about you, you make me cry.  He is going to give you a new family.  God bless you." - Mercy Mihnovich, Age 9, Adopted from Ethiopia in 2010

"I love my family so much!  I remember that God has chosen us to be with my family - from bad life to good life.  I am thankful for everything that God gave me."

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