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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in church orphan care (72)


Simple Idea, Big Opportunities

Simple Idea, Big Opportunities 

Lifesong's Outside the Walls Network

by Michael Monroe


Our initial dream for the Tapestry Adoption Fund was simple - to help as many children & families experience the blessing of adoption as our resources would allow. By partnering with Lifesong and utilizing the strategic tools of matching grants and interest-free loans, the fund was designed to help qualified families in a tangible and practical way as they follow God's call to travel the adoption journey. 


Our fund began with a modest balance - just enough to help about three families. Without much fanfare or really any plan to raise additional funds, we moved forward in faith, confident that with the help of Lifesong we could make a real difference as we faithfully pursued the vision that God had given us for our ministry. With each grant or loan awarded, we faithfully told the stories of how God was using the Tapestry Fund to bless the lives of families. As we did, more and more people wanted to give to the fund.  In only a few years, our relatively modest-sized fund has been blessed to play a small part in welcoming 24 children into loving, Christian families.


But along the way something interesting happened;

something that was entirely unexpected, although I am learning to always expect the unexpected from God when it comes to anything related to adoption. 


A couple of years ago we became aware of a simple fact - there are more qualified Christian families facing financial hurdles than there are available funds to help them. In fact, Christian adoption funding orgs are forced to turn down many more qualified applicants than they are able to help due to lack of available funds. And yet we know that God's provision is always sufficient. So we began to ask ourselves how our small fund might be more effective in meeting needs. What we soon discovered completely changed the way we view the Tapestry Fund and church adoption funds in general.


After much prayer and discussion with Lifesong, we concluded that God could use our fund in greater ways for His glory if we would seek to make our financial resources available outside the walls of our church. So we began to ask ourselves, 


"If we have money in our fund that is just sitting there with no use for it in sight, why wouldn't we joyfully say 'yes' to helping a qualified Christian family at a church across town or across the country if their church fund doesn't currently have sufficient resources or is just getting started?" 


After all, it's not really "our" money, and what better way to allow God to fulfill the dream He gave us of helping as many as our resources would allow. For us the decision was simple: Far worse than our fund "running out of money" would be for us to pass on the opportunity to be a tangible part of a story that God is writing with the lives of those He has called to this journey, simply because we had not looked outside of ourselves and our own church.


From this simple idea, the Outside the Walls Network (OTWN) was born. By joining the OTWN, Lifesong enables us to truly work together in a way that not only maximizes the stewardship of financial resources, but also broadens our impact in the lives of children and families. Lifesong offers participation in the OTWN to church funds at no cost and no additional administrative burden. To join, a church simply needs to communicate to Lifesong its desire to become part of the OTWN. There's no obligation for an OTWN church fund to say "yes" to any specific funding need that is presented, but as we discovered last year when we funded a family from Louisville that was waiting to bring their son 

home from Korea, the opportunity to say "yes" is truly a privilege and a blessing.


Over 15 churches have already joined, and our prayer is that many more churches will partner with Lifesong and come together in this important effort.  To learn more about the Outside the Walls Network or to join, contact Rich Metcalfe  -


Michael Monroe, together with his wife Amy, leads Tapestry, the adoption and foster care ministry at Irving Bible Church (



Share the highlights of the last year in your 

orphan care / adoption / foster care ministries! 




What is the #1 barrier to Christian families adopting?


Join us for a church adoption fund webinar on June 16th at 2pm CST to learn the most common barriers to churches creating Adoption Funds...and Lifesong's Solutions to overcome the hurdles!

Register now to reserve your spot!

Once upon a time from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.


God will use YOU mightily!


a letter to the children left behind in Africa 


Someday God will use you.  He will not leave you as orphans.  Please God, You can do it.  Oh yes, God, He will go to them someday and He will love them.


I know that it is hard for kids to go without eating food the way I was in Africa.  My life was very bad.  I know there are other boys and girls still without families.  God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son will give you grace and mercy and peace.  he will be with us because we love the truth.


I will not forget about you kids.  I've been praying for you every day.  My dream is you.


When I was in Africa, I was the one who cooks and cleans and everything and God told my mommy to come and get me and she wanted to be my mommy.  If you see me now I am having a good time with my family.  I am having a good life with my nice and beautiful family forever.  I have the best family forever and ever.  Maybe God has a place for you.  I am always praying for you kids.  

Whenever I think about you, you make me cry.  He is going to give you a new family.  God bless you." - Mercy Mihnovich, Age 9, Adopted from Ethiopia in 2010

"I love my family so much!  I remember that God has chosen us to be with my family - from bad life to good life.  I am thankful for everything that God gave me."

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Lifesong Ethiopia Update

Please enjoy this update from Lifesong Ethiopia:

  • Christmas was celebrated on Jan. 7 with a special program, which included singing carols, a message from an evangelist and a drama of the Christmas story starring some of the older students.  Since many of our students come from Muslim or atheist homes this is a great opportunity to share Christ.
  • Recently 4 American volunteer nurses came to check all 430 of our students.
    • Because of this examination, 7 year-old Abdisa was taken to the local hospital and we found out she has a heart concern.  Now she can get the attention she needs.  Her mother, a young widow, is one of the school's cooks.
  • Dr. Bryan Stoller, an optometrist, also came to check vision and hand out glasses.
  • We also have a prayer request for a girl named Marion that is 14 years old.  She was sexually assaulted and became pregnant.  Her mother is widowed and HIV positive.  As a student at the Lifesong, Marion receives special care and hopefully she will continue her education after her baby is delivered.

"Hopeless life situations can be turned around because of the love of Jesus." ~Peggy Ifft, Lifesong Ethiopia



Thank you for continued prayer and support as we strive to bring joy and purpose to orphans.


The Body. At work! 

When we heard what 15 year old Addisyn was doing to bring joy and give hope to orphans in Ethiopia, we were moved by how she so deeply reflects the heart of our Father! On her 100th day of eating the soup that the children at the Adami Tulu preschool eat, she asked the rest of us to join in with her!

Now that she had seen, she could not ignore the plight of the orphan! And we are amazed at how the Lord worked through ONE 15 year old girl!

The One Day-One Lunch project raised $3,620.13... truly the body of Christ at work!

*To read more about this, check out Amy's blog.


You want to know another amazing thing the Lord is doing for Adami Tulu?

After Aaron Klein returned from a vision trip to Ethiopia, he too was moved to action! Aaron began to gather a team of several other families who would commit to raising funds to build additional classrooms in Ethiopia.

The team recently completed the National Super Bowl Party to Build a School in Africa! People made pledges of $1, $2, or $3 per point for their favorite team. At the end of the game, they had raised a grand total of $3,235 to give these orphans the gift of a lifetime: education!

Thank you for your generosity and for bringing joy and purpose to these precious children!