Buy a Brick...Build a Future - Village of Hope

Most of us can remember a time in our lives when we felt rejected. A time when we felt like we didn't matter. Whether it be the time we were chosen last on recess for the kickball game, or the time we didn't get invited to the birthday party that everyone else was invited to--we have all felt the sting of rejection. So what breaks my heart is when I think about how an orphan child living with HIV/AIDS must feel living in a society who constantly treats them as the least, the last and the lowest. Our God given vision here at Village of Hope is to give these children faith, family, and a future. Yet much work needs to be done in order for the vision to become a reality. But what we know without a doubt is that we are not just building buildings- we are building homes and we are building HOPE. Right now this very minute there are children waiting. Children who are living with HIV in a culture that rejects them. Schools do not want to accept them; most orphanages do not want to accept them either. And so they wait in hopes that one day someone will welcome them in, wrap their loving arms around them and tell them they are valued, cherished and loved. And we wait for the body of Christ to come together and make the vision of Village of Hope a reality for these children.
Buying a brick in honor of a loved one is a GREAT way to give a gift of purpose this Christmas season! *If you'd like to buy a brick as a gift or in honor of a loved one, a card will be sent indicating your gift. |