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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in church adoption funds (7)


Church Fund Update - A Year in Review

What do the great states of Washington, California, Texas, Florida, New Hampshire, Minnesota and Maine have in common?  Many things I'm sure, but one thing is they all have several churches who partner with Lifesong for Orphans to care for orphans and adoptive families. In fact, those 7 States are joined by church fund partners in 25 other states (combined 32 states) in which 166 churches partner with Lifesong for Orphans.  Each Orphan Care / Adoption Ministry is led by wonderful, servant-hearted Christ-followers who are working hard and sacrificially to be the hands and feet of God’s heart for the orphan. 

2011 has been a ‘record’ year for Lifesong in many ways and we praise the Lord for the opportunity He has given us to partner with special people in making an eternal difference in the lives of so many voiceless children.  We have truly seen Proverbs 68:5-6 in action this year!

'Father to the fatherless, defender of widows – this is God, whose dwelling is holy.  God places the lonely in families.'

-Rich Metcalfe, Lifesong for Orphans, Program Director 

See it in the stats...

  • Growing number of Church Fund partners -- 166 church funds in 32 states
  • 33 'Outside the Wall' adoptions this year
  • Over $1.2 million committed grants & loans for adoptive families from Lifesong & Church Fund Partners
  • November--record month--$126,000 of the $170,000 committed to adoptive families for grants & loans came from Lifesong Church Funds Partners

 What's all this talk about Lifesong Church Funds? Check out this video to learn more!



Give Hope. Give Family.

"What an honor it is to have influenced the lives of young people over the last 6 years who are graduating this year; now they are the forces of influence radiating out into the future generations. It is our responsibility to impact and influence the lives around us."
-Jeanna Brusherd, Missionary, Honduras

"What do you do when there are several hundred thousand orphans in your country who are waiting to be adopted? What if the church is waking up to the need but finances are a major barrier? Join Lifesong Ukraine in a new program, Adoption Without Borders, that connects the American church to Ukrainian believers with a heart for adoption."
-Rich Metcalfe, Lifesong for Orphans



 To give Hope. To give Family. Visit our Lifesong for Orphans 



Adoption Resources

As we serve more and more families, we are often asked what resources are available for adoptive families to prepare their hearts and homes to welcome a 'child from a hard place'.

Check out our newly-renovated Adoption Resources page! Pass it along to anyone that you think it could be helpful to!

Please share any additional resources that have been helpful to you both pre and post-adoption.




See you at the Summit! 

Are you going to the Summit this week in Louisville? We hope so! If it's anything like the years past, it will be an amazing opportunity to be refreshed and connect with others!

Even if you can’t join us in Louisville for Summit VII, we invite you to join us in prayer.  Please pray especially:

  • That God would prepare each person coming both to give and to receive much at Summit.
  • That the countless details and the myriad of volunteers, speakers, exhibitors, and attendees would all come together smoothly.
  • That seeds sown and cultivated at Summit would bear much good fruit—for the fatherless, the Church and God’s glory for decades to come.


One Year Ago

A year ago today in Ethiopia, Kenny and Jana were introduced to two little boys... two little boys who had consumed their prayers for months... two little boys born in a different land with a completely different culture... two little boys for whom they had traveled across the world to rescue and call their own.


When Kenny and Jana first decided to adopt in May 2008, they knew they would face some financial barriers.  They received a matching grant through Highview and Louisville Orphan Care Alliance in partnership with Lifesong for Orphans, and by January of the following year they raised almost $26,000 for their adoption!

Now, 7 year-old Charlie and 3 year-old Sam are thriving.  And though this road has been anything but easy, Kenny and Jana would choose nothing else.  As they watch their boys grow, they are excited to instill an understanding of God's mighty hand in their lives.

I can’t wait until the boys are old enough to understand the testimony of faith that brought them to America and forever into the Cook family. I pray that they will use this awesome story as a part of their own personal testimony and share it for years to come!

~Jana Cook

Happy Gotcha Day, Cooks!
Check out their blog here!