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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in india (20)


Lifesong India Update

Please enjoy an update on what's happening in Lifesong India:


  •  This Christmas was celebrated with a special dinner (pictured) to which the children were able to wear their new Christmas clothes.
  •  Directors Bob and Siromani will be visiting Lifesong India after a two-year absence.  They plan to stay the entire month of February


Thank you for your continued support as we serve orphans in India.  May 2011 bring continued steps towards renewal and hope for these children.  May it be filled with successes, little and great!


Changed Lives @ Lifesong India

Please enjoy these updates from Bob and Siromani Stoll, directors for Lifesong India orphan care -

“Dear Friends,

                -your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corin. 15:58

His name is Yedukondalu – or was. About 30 years ago, Yedukondalu was brought to our Jyothi Nivas home by his poor parents who were illiterate and of the untouchable caste. They wanted him to have a chance at a better life! Even though they worshipped multiple gods, it didn’t seem to matter to them that he would be cared for and taught by a Christian organization.

While with us, he received the care and education his parents wanted for him, but he also heard the message of Jesus Christ daily, without fail. When he left our home to get employment he had not yet become a committed Christian.

One day while Siromani and I were visiting India he appeared at our Jyothi Nivas home, told me he had received Jesus ads the only true God and asked me to baptize him and his wife. We gladly arranged for the baptisms and at his request we gave both he and his wife Christian names. Now, his name is James and his wife’s new name is Sarah. His testimony follows:

Yeddukondalu (James) – fish merchange, Narsapur, India

I belong to a Hindu family. I entered Jyothi Nivas when I was 8 years old. The home manager, staff, and pastors used to teach us from the Word of God. Therefore, along with studies I learned Christian songs and God’s Word. I got married and we are blessed with a son and daughter. In the year 2000, the month of February, Bob Stoll baptized my wife and me. We are growing in the Lord, doing our traditional business as fish merchants.

Since Bob and Siromani Stoll have established such good homes, many people like us have benefited. Many students have completed their studies and become teachers, nurses, merchants, pastors, etc. May God bless the sponsors and may the ministry grow and become a blessing to many more.'

There are many, many more people who now have names like James and Sarah. They are the fruit of our labor. That’s why we are in India… and that’s why we greatly appreciate your prayers and support!”


Blessing the Unblessed

LIFESONG India, a report by Bob and Siromani Stoll, missionaries to India.

Lifesong for Orphans recently began its second year as administrators of a ministry to destitute children in India, a ministry founded in 1978 by Bob and Siromani Stoll. The focus of this ministry is evangelism, the heart of the ministry is blessing the unblessed, both physically and spiritually. Lifesong currently has in-country staff at 6 different homes for orphan and vulnerable children. These children are provided housing, daily Bible study classes, and 3 meals per day. They are being taught English and computer skills, in addition to the schooling they receive at their local public schools.

The need for such a ministry is evident; United Nations report 6 million children under the age of five died in India in 2006. In the face of such great need one might ask: Does a ministry caring for 585 children really matter? It surely does! By God’s grace it has meant that the thousands of truly needy children who have been cared for through the years in our six homes have entered their adult years as productive citizens with healthy bodies, an education and the knowledge of the one true God. 

Our Jyothi Nivas (Light) home is of a group of our girls of mixed ages from grade school to college students. They are from the “untouchable” caste (outcasts) and have known the many deprivations associated with that. Now they are among the very blessed and are very thankful for that. Their appreciation is shown in their smiles. Their hands are positioned to convey a greeting of great respect.


Opportunity to serve more children | India

Bill Perkins (author, speaker, and Orphan Advocate) guides us through this video...

Giving a little glimpse into the Lifesong-India staff people who daily serve, love, and care for the orphans and vulnerable children in India.  You'll see how many years of faithfulness they have given to these children...

as well as the opportunity for us to continue to serve them...


  Check out Bill Perkin's ministry and how he is advocating for vulnerable children...



An unforgettable commitment | part 1


From today's front page article...


About 20 years ago, Gary & Marla Ringger made a commitment that ended up changing the lives of thousands of children worldwide.

see related Honduras article