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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in James 1:27 (2)


Living James 1:27

I thank you so much for this opportunity to do this project.  Even if we weren't adopting I would love to be a part of something like this.  I thank you for helping us to see what living James 1:27 looks and feels like.  God has done amazing things for me today and He used us to bless Dorothy.  She was an amazing lady to serve and I pray that our relationship can continue after today. -Susan, Adoptive Mother

What a blessing it was to receive this email yesterday from a family in the process of adopting. They had their Both Hands project over the weekend and were amazed by the experience!

If you've never heard how Both Hands was started, I'd encourage you to watch the video below!

Both Hands Video from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.


The Big Build

The Big Build Project on 3/20/10 is the first annual fundraiser by Both Hands Foundation. Our goal is to raise $100,000.  That money will be used in three ways –

  1. Adoption funding (grants and loans)
  2. Orphan Care projects
  3. We have a generous philanthropist who has agreed to match whatever we raise, dollar for dollar. In other words, all the money raised will go towards adoptions and orphan care and the operating expenses of Both Hands will be covered by the matching funds.

What a great way to leverage your charitable donations and get a great return on your investment. In 2010, Both Hands will help 50 widows with home repairs, help more than 50 orphans get to their forever families by raising between $250,000- 500,000, and give approximately  1500 people the chance to give their lives away by dedicating a day of service to a widow in need.
We invite you to be a part of this awesome opportunity. You get two for the price of one!!  Think big!!