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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Irving Bible Church (11)


The Hard Questions

We believe it is critically important that parents who are preparing to adopt or foster a child must be honest and realistic about the journey and the challenges that lie ahead. Just as Jesus in Luke 14 challenged those who would follow him to ‘count the cost,’ so too parents who respond to God’s call to adopt or foster must be willing to count the cost of the adoption journey and prepare to “lay down their lives” to love their child and help him or her become all that God intends." - Michael Monroe, Tapestry

Read the rest of Michael's article, Ten Questions for Parents Preparing to Adopt or Foster here!

In the Irving, TX area? Don't miss the 2011 Tapestry Conference!!


Going Deeper

Church Fund Partners,

Don't miss this exciting opportunity to connect with other orphan care and adoption ministry leaders! We'll be hearing how God has been working in and through your ministries throughout the US as well as providing you with tools to equip you to go deeper


conference & video

Coming up...

2011 Tapestry Conference

Saturday, October 29th

9am - 3:30pm

Irving Bible Church

Irving, Texas

With author/speaker Jayne Schooler and more, this conference is sure to be a worthy resource for anyone working with adoption or foster care.  Check out more on this conference HERE.

Speaking of great resources Empowered to Connect has a another great video of Karyn Purvis sharing the value of counting the cost:



Looking Beyond Ourselves

It's so common around here to see miracles happen every day right before our very eyes. Just today, a family called to tell us that they did not need the interest-free loan we offered them... since last week when we informed them, God provided for their entire $17,000 deficit! WOW!

As I thought about this family, I realized that it's so easy to overlook the magnificent miracles God is doing all around us each and every day...

Then God brought to mind two miracles I was able to view from the front-row seat just before Christmas. Two families from Highview Baptist Church in Louisville, KY that are in the process of adopting - one from Korea and one from the US – recently applied for financial assistance. Both of these families are dedicated to raising their children to know, love, and serve Christ. As we reviewed these applications, we were so impressed by their character and their commitment to the Lord. However, there were no funds available to help either of these families at the time.

Just a couple days after we informed both of these families of the situation, we were contacted by our good friends at Tapestry (Irving Bible Church). They were excited to share that God had blessed them through generous year-end donations from the Irving Bible Church congregation to the Tapestry Adoption Fund.  They continued to share their heart, and as I listened I was struck by the unique way that they view the financial resources that have been entrusted to them. You see, they do not want to let money sit idle in the Tapestry Adoption Fund while children and families wait.  The Tapestry Adoption Fund is focused on helping families at Irving Bible Church and in their local community meet the financial challenge of adoption.  But they know very well that the money that has been given is in fact God’s money, and they want to see it put to use wherever the needs may be.  Their exact words were “we believe that our goal should be to run out of money in our fund so that we can tell the stories of what God has done and allow even more people to give and be a part of what He is doing.” 

The next words that spilled from their mouths amazed me.  They explained that they want to help other qualified families in need, no matter where they live or what church they attend.  They want to be part of what God is doing outside the walls of their church.  They want to be part of the stories God is writing with the lives of His people across the country as they say “YES!” to what God is calling them to. You're starting to see the pieces come together, right?

Yes, Tapestry stepped outside themselves, outside their walls, to fund two families in need… two families that don't even live in the same state.  Now you can see why 'looking beyond yourselves' is so fitting for this story. 

Just this past year, as we saw more and more churches being led to help families in need regardless of where they attended church, we created the Outside the Walls Network. The network is a way for churches to band together and reach out to serve children and families through adoption financial assistance.  To learn more about the Outside the Walls Network and how your church can join with other churches to help families meet the financial challenge of adoption and welcome their children home, click here.


Don't miss our upcoming webinar!


How does an adoption fund fit with your church's mission/vision?

  • Evangelize the lost – Adoption is evangelism at its core…Bringing the mission field home, where children are loved, cared for, and discipled to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.
  • Edify the saved – Adoption Fund challenges, encourages, and enables Believers to put their faith in action, by stepping out in faith to adopt (fulfilling God’s commands in scripture).
  • Minister to those in need There are millions of children waiting for forever families who would like to adopt them, but just can’t because of the financial barrier.
  • Be a Conscience in the community –  As th


    e Church becomes obedient to God’s commands concerning the fatherless, the community will see Jesus Christ is alive and working in the lives of His people to care for those children who can’t care for themselves.

Read more. Reserve your spot now!