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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in orphan care (122)


Conferences you don't want to miss!

Calling all church pastors, adoption & orphan advocates and adoptive (or considering adoption) families!! We're excited to highlight some incredible upcoming conferences with a focus on the fatherless...

July 26, 2012

Afflicted Conference (Eureka, IL)

"Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and destitute." Psalm 82:3

Afflicted Conference will share the needs of not only the fatherless, but also reflect on the human slavery that is tragically increasing in our world and what WE, as the body of Christ, can do to help make a difference! Visit the Afflicted Conference Facebook page for more details!


September 14-15, 2012

Empowered to Connect (Nashville, TN)

Empowered To Connect, together with Show Hope, hosts the Empowered To Connect Conference — a two-day conference designed to help adoptive and foster parents, ministry leaders and professionals better understand how to connect with “children from hard places” in order to help them heal and become all that God desires for them to be. Click here to register.

September 14-15, 2012

Together for Adoption Conferce (Atlanta, GA)

Romanticizing orphan care and adoption is so very easy and tempting to do. But there is no such thing as orphan care and adoption without suffering. The primary objective of this conference is to take Christians deeper into God’s story of adoption to give hope and practical tools to walk with deep joy through “the sufferings of this present time” (Romans 8:18-23) for God’s glory and the good of orphans around the world.  To register or learn more, visit their website.


Continuing the Work -- Lifesong India 

We invite you to listen in with Bob and Siromani Stoll, Lifesong India, as they share their hearts on "Continuing the Work" in India...

Bob and Siromani praise their "kids" in India...
It is always a rewarding experience to interact with children who are obedient, respectful of authority and wonderfully outgoing. They are studious and have a strong, active faith in prayer.
Lifesong for Orphans is blessed to serve these children and plan to 'continue the work' that has been started so faithfully in India thanks to our many supporters.  We are praying that it will continue to bring glory and honor to our Father God!

To hear more from Bob and Siromani Stoll and their testimony of faithfulness in Indiaclick here

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10

Lifesong is 'Pinning'! :)

Lifesong for Orphans is now on Pinterest! Click here to follow us!

Follow our boards to see pictures from our orphan care initiatives, adoption quotes, orphan care/adoption resources, gifts with PURPOSE, and some creative DIY adoptive craft ideas! Here's a peek...


Let the pinning begin! Visit us at: 


Summit VIII Reflection

Listen in to Summit VIII reflection from Christian Alliance for Orphans' President Jedd Medefind:

Summit VIII was nothing short of amazing.  Even for those of us who spent a lot of time scurrying behind the scenes, the passion and wisdom and experiences brought not only by formal presenters, but by virtually every attendee, left us full-to-the-brim.  Many of the workshop and plenary sessions will be available for download online in the weeks ahead, and we’ll share more stories and reflections as well.  But here’s one window from an article in the Christian Post that accurately captured the theme that pulsed in every aspect of Summit: Justice and Mercy Flow from the Gospel. 

Here's a glimpse into the Lifesong booth displaying the 2300 handprints (2nd picture) representing the number of children Lifesong has help bring into Christian adoptive families. We were so excited to MEET some of these families who have partnered with Lifesong like Dustin & Katie (3rd picture)

We'd love to hear from YOU! Whether you were able to attend Summit in person or through the LIVE Webstream, what was your favorite part or how did God speak to you through this event? We'd love to hear from you!

Also: Register today for Summit IX in May 2013 in Nashville, TN!


Mission's Night

You couldn't take one step without seeing a child at Mission's Night, hosted by the Apostolic Christian Church in Bloomington, IL. It was a dynamic evening full of different ministries that this congregation has been supporting.  It was their desire to highlight these ministries and have them connect to their church body in a family friendly way presenting the importance of serving in the Kingdom and how they as families can get involved.

The Lifesong for Orphans "Experience"...

Handprint Wall - showing the 2300 children Lifesong has help bring into families through adoption financial assistance. 

Africa before Lifesong...

Africa after Lifesong...

The Forgotten Initiative

It was so great to connect with the youth and impact their minds and hearts of the importance of working with God for His Kingdom!