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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Lifesong India (9)


Mahesh, A Changed Life - Lifesong India

We invite you to share a word of encouragement, prayer, or a message to our staff at Lifesong India. To do so, please reply to this email or comment on our Facebook wall and it will be forwarded to our staff. Thank you in advance for your kind words of support! 

Please enjoy this update from Lifesong India...

Meet Mahesh.

Mahesh came from a very poor Hindu family where food was scarce and they owned no land to profit from. 

When Mahesh was in the first grade, he was able to move into our Chitty Memorial Home where he studied business, math and chemistry up until the 12th grade while also learning about the only true God. Thankfully, through the movement of the spirit, he and his family gave their lives to Christ! 

Now at age 24, Mahesh works as a Conductor for a State Road Transportation Corporation. 

He shared, "I don't want to think about what my life would be like if I didn't have the opportunity to live at that home (Chitty Memorial Home)..."

His favorite memory from the home was when he was in the 11th grade. They fasted and prayed for 3 days praising God and thanking Him for all the people who came to Christ through daily prayers and devotions that year. 

Mahesh's life would be so different had he not had the opportunity come to our school and hear the gospel of Christ!

Thank you again for your prayers, support and interest in Lifesong India. We praise God for this one life that has been changed!


Serving the ONLY true God - Lifesong India

**New Opportunity**  We invite you to share a words of encouragement, prayers, or message to our staff at Lifesong India. To send a message, please comment on the blog and it will be forwarded to our staff. Thank you in advance for your kind words of support!

Listen in with Bob Stoll, Lifesong India, as he shares about the baptisms he witnessed while in India,

"One of the greatest joys as believers in Christ is to see others converted and saved. In our local churches and on the mission field, the resulting baptisms are a time of rejoicing and thanksgiving to God. This is especially true in India where idol worship is so prevalent. 

During our visit to Lifesong India earlier this year we witnessed the water baptism of many new converts to Christ.  

Baptism in India has great significance. It is a public statement to a multi-god community that the person has received Jesus Christ as the ONLY true God. This testimony does not come without a price as the converts are now part of a minority community and sometimes suffer persecution in their villages and also in their families. Nevertheless, even with many obstacles, your prayers and financial support of this ministry are continuing to bear much fruit. This is because our village pastors and the children's home staff are faithful in their responsibilities as teachers of the word of God.

Only your faithful support makes this fruitful ministry possible. Thank you for helping. Please pray for our newly baptized brothers and sisters."

"Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you." Psalm 51:13  



Continuing the Work -- Lifesong India 

We invite you to listen in with Bob and Siromani Stoll, Lifesong India, as they share their hearts on "Continuing the Work" in India...

Bob and Siromani praise their "kids" in India...
It is always a rewarding experience to interact with children who are obedient, respectful of authority and wonderfully outgoing. They are studious and have a strong, active faith in prayer.
Lifesong for Orphans is blessed to serve these children and plan to 'continue the work' that has been started so faithfully in India thanks to our many supporters.  We are praying that it will continue to bring glory and honor to our Father God!

To hear more from Bob and Siromani Stoll and their testimony of faithfulness in Indiaclick here

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10

Active Faith in Prayer -- Lifesong India

Listen in with Bob Stoll, Lifesong India, as he shares about his recent visit to India,

It is always a rewarding experience to interact with children who are obedient, respectful of authority and wonderfully outgoing. They are studious and have a strong, active faith in prayer. While we were there it was exam time at school and because they take their studies so seriously they were continuously asking for prayer "for our studies", expecting that hands would be laid upon their heads by those who prayed. 

Our children are hungry for an education because, in the villages where they come from, illiteracy has been the norm.  The photo below shows the record of monetary help this ministry gives to about 150 poor, aged and indigent villagers. Most of them are so illiterate that they cannot even write their own name, thus the thumb prints.
Would you continue to join us in praying for our kids in India? Pray that they would continue to be grow in their education as well as their relationship with the Lord. 
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, 
as working for the Lord, not for men" 
Colossians 3:23

New Life, New Name -- Lifesong India

Listen in as Lifesong India Vision Team member Adam Laubach & Founder Bob Stoll share from their time in India,

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayer for our kids in India. Know that you ARE making a difference in the lives of children like Mary!