Adding Fun into School Days - Lifesong Liberia

We invite you to share a word of encouragement to our staff at Lifesong Liberia. To do so, please comment on the blog or on our Facebook wall and it will be forwarded to our staff. Thank you in advance for your kind words of support! Keith & Kay Knapp, Lifesong Liberia liaisons, share updates from Liberia: "Thanks to a grant from RetailROI, the kids at the Master's Homes of Champions have something new to do. You can hear laughter and squeals of joy as the jungle gyms, sliding boards, swings and teeter-totters are filled with children. The residents of the homes, as well as school children from surrounding communities, are having a great time enjoying their new equipment.
School began again this month, and all 86 of our children received new uniforms. Another exciting development is that we will begin some instruction in computers at the Rehab location. Our schools are full, as many families from the communities are sending their children, and placing a high value on education. We are thankful for this opportunity to bless others. Please pray that the students would be attentive and diligent in their studies. We extend our gratitude for your faithful support of the work in Liberia!" |