A Day in the Life -- Lifesong Liberia

Meet Andrew. Andrew was 9 years old when he came into the loving care of Lifesong Liberia 'Home of Champions' School & Orphanage. Andrew was rescued from the Belle Forest, a 'refuge' where many Liberians ran to during the 14-year civil war that ended 9 years ago. A war that took the lives of over 500,000 Liberians. Inhabitants of the Belle Forest still believe that the war is going on and because of their fear have never left it's barren bush. This has left many hungry, uneducated, fatherless children...children like Andrew who come to the home in a terrible condition... starving, lost and alone.
But we know that beauty can come from ashes. Joy from the place of mourning. Praise instead of despair. Home instead of a wasteland. Family replacing loneliness. Isn't this how our God works? Andrew is just one more example of how our God delights in transforming a life through His great love for us and for the splendor of His own glory!
"...he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the LORD has planted for his own glory..." Isaiah 61:3
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