Orphan Camp with purpose | Ukraine
This mid June we had a great event which most of kids were looking forward to - summer VBS camp program. We had 90 Loubetein kids, 15 volunteers from Kharkov, Ukraine churches and 10 of our staff participated in the camp. It was a good size group of those who really wanted to participate. God has blessed us with a good weather for the whole week of the camp.
The name of the camp program - "Freedom. Where God is - there is Freedom".Our main goal through this camp was to explain to our kids the importance of the correct understanding of freedom (comes with responsibility). Through our almost 10 years of CCP efforts we have seen so many kids who would act as they would want without thinking of consequences.
We had 4 different teams competing in crafts, sports, logic, treasury search, music, friendship making. Each team was led by our staff, 5 church volunteers were helping to encourage, other staff were involved in program details, PA, supplies. 6 days of fun.
So far we had 6 different camp programs: Loubetin VBS, Izume home visit, SN "CCP launch" camp, Sach VBS, Zap - Matvievka VBS, Loubetin - Zap orphans exchange visits. Please pray for other 14 camp programs we plan to have in July - Aug. Currently we are having Sach VBS camp with Tom's US team. It is a busy summer we have...
Yours in Him,
Denis and the Lifesong-Ukraine Team