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Andy and Jill Lehman family

the "ORPHAN" movie | Orphans Deserve Better

Have you heard about upcoming horror film, Orphan?


Orphans Deserve Better is a grassroots initiative to counter the movie Orphan. Join us in taking the side of those who cannot speak for themselves.

However far-fetched some stories are, they can still subtly shape our values and perceptions. So when a major motion picture leaves a lingering impression that orphans are damaged goods and that adoption can tear apart your life, those who know the deeper truth must speak up.

Watch this Orphans Deserve Better VIDEO

SERVE the orphan

SHARE your orphan story

SIGN the Petition




Affording Adoption in a Tough Economy


It is no secret that the United States and most of the rest of the world are experiencing difficult times economically. Unemployment is rising, layoffs are increasing, people are taking salary cuts, spending freezes are in effect, people are cutting back wherever they can, and even doing without when necessary.

Of course, the Christian community has also been hit by economic woes, and many of our brothers and sisters are putting things on hold until times are more stable. What will this mean for those whom God is calling to adopt? Given the cost of private domestic and international adoptions, how can people afford to adopt through these channels in such tough economic times?


Check out the full Hope for Orphan's article "Affording Adoption in a Tough Economy" by Johnston Moore




Who says hot-dogs aren't good for you?

Check out this simple lesson God taught Bruce, and teaches each of us, using hot dogs.


Embrace, a church foster-adoption ministry, held an event at the Frank Buck Zoo where a few hundred kids and parents came to enjoy their time as a family. The zoo was kind enough to cover the entrance fee for every child that came, and we made the most of our time as families fed giraffes and walked throughout the park. Afterwards, we provided a very simple hot dog lunch. We prepared hot dogs along with a bag of chips, a cookie and a drink. We had prepared enough hot dogs for each person that registered for the event to have one each.


What a wonderful thing you all have done, and the wonderful friendly attitudes of all of your volunteers just made my children shine with happiness. My oldest came to me after his second trip to the hot dog table and whispered, “That man keeps telling me to take the whole tub of hot dogs and to eat as much as I can, no one has ever let me eat all I wanted before.” What was just fun for that man, was a life changing moment for my child. He came from an environment of neglect and not having food for days at a time [which] was something he was used to.

Now for the first time, I think he is beginning to see that his life has changed thanks to the love and kindness of God’s people, and that his plate runs over with the bounty of the Lord.


written by Bruce Kendrick and excerpted from One Each blog posting at DFW Alliance


I'm here to help you get your kids back...


An Unusual Introduction

“Hi, my name is Kim and I’m here to help you get your kids back.” Even as the words fell from Kim’s lips she couldn’t believe what she was saying. Yet her statement, as compassionate as it was prophetic, marked the beginning of an amazing and inspiring foster care odyssey for all involved.


Click here for the full story & example of true foster care ministry...let's begin to expect the unexpected!


{excerpted from}



Should Have Been Aborted

Ryan Scott Bomberger’s birthmother was raped in 1970. He “should have been aborted.” But Ryan was born and adopted by the Bomberger family in 1971. Ryan Scott writes:


I am one of those “unwanted” children.

I am the one that the abortion movement preaches will never live a happy life.

I am the one whose future would be marked with hardship and despair.

I am, according to the tenets of the pro-abortion faith, a mistake and should’ve been aborted.

I am the .3 percent that defined Roe. v. Wade.