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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Bryson finds a home!

A note we received from a family whom Lifesong had the privilege of helping with an Adoption Grant/Loan, who just adopted a little boy named Bryson, from Ethiopia:


Dear Lifesong,

Thank you again for your generous grant. We we brought Bryson home on May 24th. We are thrilled! Bryson is doing great and fits in perfectly with our family.

You can pray for us, we are very busy parents with a 4 month old a 1 yr. old :)


Kenneth, Suzanne, Bryson and Brady



Food production @ Lifesong School - Zambia

A note from our Lifesong - Zambia (John and Dru):

Just thought you might like to see a few of these photos--the 3rd grade boys shelling the maize by beating it in a bag, the pile of maize that filled one classroom about a foot deep, the shelled maize starting to pile up, and the 3rd grade girls cooking for the the other children.

The children at Lifesong School - Zambia are really proud of their marvelous vegetable garden. What you see is Chinese cabbage and onions. There are thousands which will be transplanted to the other side of the road. Tomatoes, carrots, green beans and green peppers are also coming up.





Adopt(ed) | the Church at BattleCreek

the Church at Battle Creek is making orphan care "normal" through their Adopt(ed) ministry.

Vision:  Caring for orphans through adoption is normal...according to the Word of God. We ought to be cheering people on that choose to graft another into the family of God. Our vision is to promote awareness for orphans worldwide and to create resources local churches can use to discern their part in orphan care.

Pastor Alex Himaya // the church at battlecreek



check out these Adopt(ed) sermons by Alex Himaya from

buy some awesome Adopt(ed) t-shirts where proceeds help fund adoptions


"Saved" | Nikolas' story


Nikolas (before surgeries)

Have you ever thought about the dangers of the "savior mentality" that san be so prevalent in adoption today?

...because there are so many kids out there who need a home and family. I think we can save one


Often it is a motivation by faith, seeking to love and serve the ‘fatherless’ through adoption. This topic is a sensitive and nuanced one and is ripe for misunderstanding. 


Check out this recent Adoption Today article, that by the telling of a story - the Saynors – may illustrate what it means to truly “save” a child through adoption.

Despite the fact that little Nikolas’ story here on earth ended suddenly and tragically, I think the Saynors’ adoption journey illustrates uniquely well what it means to “save” a child through sure to read the excerpt from the eulogy of Nikolas' memorial service - see the reality of God’s adoption of us and how His redemptive love changes everything – our past, our present and our eternal future.

...a little glimpse into what it may mean to be “saved by adoption,” both here and now as well as for eternity.

 Nikolas (after surgeries)


Parenting Minus / Parenting Plus | Myths & Realities