One year ago Aschalew, Genet and Yesalemush were three of the Developing World’s 143 million orphaned and abandoned children. These Ethiopian siblings had been housed for seven years in two separate orphanages after the tragic death of their father, and the ensuing reality that their poor, blind mother was incapable of caring for them
[meanwhile]....Liberty University was in the middle of Spiritual Emphasis Week, led by evangelist David Nasser. Thousands of students were piled into the Vines Center with open hearts, praying for the Lord to do something miraculous during this beginning-ofthe- year revival.
Nasser was challenging the student body to match their actions with their confessions through a special offering that would be taken on the following evening, with all the money going toward changing the destiny of people for Christ around the globe.
Nasser showed a picture of three Ethiopian teenagers he had learned about...and said that the money collected could be used to make a difference in these three orphans’ lives. It could be used to move this sibling group from “unlikely to be adopted” to “likely to be adopted.” All that would be left was to find a family.
The next night just over 4,000 Liberty students donated a staggering $80,000.
In a fantastic act of sovereignty, involving a family of five Michiganders, thousands of students in Virginia, and three unaware kids in Ethiopia, God was conspiring a miracle of reconciliation. It was Psalm 27:10 in action: “When your mother and father leave you, the Lord will take you up.”
Ten months later the Wolfes traveled to Ethiopia to retrieve their three newly adopted children, an adoption fully funded by the student body of Liberty University...

[excerpted from Liberty Journal - check out video & full story here]