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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Bring Me Hope | Phil Wickham | March 21st

Fairfield Christian Church (one of Lifesong's partner churches) is hosting this event - check it out...


beauty out of ashes...orphans-to-leaders

A little glimpse into the Lifesong Ukraine orphan care ministry...specifically the Transition Home program.

Christian mentors, committed men pastor leading Bible study for youth

Nadia has a gift for preparing food, makes it a home!

A lot of time spent one-on-one and in small groups. "What the future holds for our kids?" That's the main question we address.

A few items that our indigenous Lifesong-Ukraine team would like us to pray for:

  1. Andrei, Nadia and Dima as they work with graduates in such challenging stage of their lives
  2. Spiritual development of our graduates. Spiritual accountability to the local church where they are members
  3. Protection of our homes from bad neighbors and people who are not in support of our ministry
  4. Smooth transition into real life after the home. They need a stable job, residence, ability to function independently. This year Kostya, Yura, and Tanya H are getting ready to leave Lord willing
  5. School of our kids. Some of them are behind due to their mental development delay in the orphanage 


@ Lifesong for Orphans..."Our Children" will have:

1. No want for food, clothing, medical care, or shelter

2. Fundamental Christian training and discipleship

3. A quality education to provide a foundation for the future

4. Continued love and support as they transition into adult living


As an atheist...Africa needs God

Africa isn't called the Dark Continent for nothing...

Africa remains sullen and seething while the rest of the world moves forward.

What ails Africa?

Africa gains stability in one area only to collapse in another. Africa fatigue infects the world, manifested in the mechanical forking-over of money, most of which slithers on well-greased tracks into the hands of dictators.

...a commentary appeared in the London Times Online by Matthew Parris...raised in Africa and had just returned from a visit to his home state of Malawi. He came to the opinion page with an uncomfortable conclusion, stated in his title:

"As an atheist, I am truly convinced that Africa needs God."

Moreover, Africa doesn't just need God—Africa needs Christ, and the transformation of the Holy Spirit.

In a key scene of Hotel Rwanda, Paul Rusesabagina and his driver Gregory turn inadvertently, at night, onto a road that they gradually discover is strewn with corpses. "Why do these things happen?" Paul cries. Gregory answers, not too profoundly, that hatred has somehow broken loose. The unspoken question is, Why hatred?

The real question is, Why love?

We know by now where human nature often ends up: A wrong turn down a dark road, and suddenly we're bumping over bodies in a late-model van. Africa is where chaos consistently chooses to rule these days, and the reason for that is too complicated for me. But Africa is the world, in that the veneer of civilization is thin everywhere, and what is not vigorously upheld will inevitably slide.

 "Africa does need God," wrote one respondent. "Unfortunately, I think God has given up on Africa." God does not give up. And we, who know that transforming power Matthew Parris can only talk about, must not give up. Why love?...Because He first loved us.


(excerpted from Janie B. Cheaney | WorldMagazine)


It's more than just a package of crackers

Jill and I showed this video to our kids yesterday and they are still talking about it. 

Honestly...Jill and I are still talking about it too...



What "package of crackers" do YOU have that can bring life back to someone?


I believe this video has moved us to become more doers of the Word, and not just hearers only...



Orphan & Adoption Conference | Feb 7th

Connecting Hearts Through Adoption 
Conference 2009 

Saturday, February 7
Grace Church
1311 W. Hovey Ave. Normal, IL

Main Session:
"Fears and Fantasies of Adoption"
Featuring Diane Lowenthal- Lambert







Choice of 2

* Financing Adoptions
-Dave Loomis

* Connecting Church to the Process
-Andy Lehman, Lifesong for Orphans

* Adopting an Older Child
-Dave and Jen Keithley

* Adopting Domestically and Foster Care
-Dave and Pam Merrill

Adopting Internationally
-Bob and Katherine Sanford

* The Waiting Child: special needs
-Amy Arnold

The New Addition: preparing your family for adoption

Post Adoption Issues
-Diane Lowenthal-Lambert, Kingdom Kids Adoption 

* The Paper Trail: homestudies, agencies & dossiers... Oh my!
-Connie Dunn, Illini Christian Ministries

Paper Pregnancy: is your heart ready emotionally and
spiritually for adoption?
-Dave and Marianne Gross

Adoption Fair:
We are hosting over a dozen different adoption agencies and orphan organizations. This will be open in the Activity Center throughout the conference. You will also be able to meet a number of families who have adopted both internationally and domestically- you will be encouraged and blessed by ther stories.

Call 309-660-1161 for more information.
No Cost or Registration Required.

Conference Blog