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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Make plans to Attend | Orphan Summit V (Dallas, TX)


Thank You!...for building the bridge

Lifesong for Orphans received this thank you recently from a family who received an Adoption Grant/Loan...

This is a THANK YOU to all who give generously to help REMOVE the financial barrier and make adoptions a reality..

God has called us to adopt a “fatherless” child into our family. We are adopting a little girl from India...and we’ve already named our daughter – Abigail, which means “her father’s joy!”

Adoption has been in our thoughts and prayers for the past three years. Every time we would start to think of adoption, we would let the finances stop us from moving forward. But, the desire did not go away. 

Adopting a young child from India right now is extremely difficult and expensive. We know that God has called us to adopt and despite the fees....We are in awe of how God has provided exactly what we needed, when we needed it! Each time a fee is due, He is just in time to provide what we needed.

LifeSong for Orphans was able to match the giving by our family and friends and send a check to our agency. It is so fun to watch God do the miracles!

With each step so far, He is building our “bridge to India.”  

Thank you LifeSong for Orphans for making this possible and for your part in taking care of the orphans and helping to place them in families. We Pray God's glorious riches continue to shower down on your ministry and all those who give to make this Matching Grant possible!

In Christ,

The Needhams

Scott, Jennifer, Sam (age 11) and Josiah (age 8) Needham



Messy Miracle | Libi Faith


I spent some time with Brad & Amy today and witnessed a miracle in the 2 1/2yrs old Libi is taking her first independent bites...and sitting up by herself...

I'm humbled by Brad & Amy's obedience to the calling God has given them to adopt a child with special needs...and I see the JOY they have in this journey..

click here to see the miracle step forward...

We've been praying and waiting a LONG time for this night!...The independent feeding took a HUGE turn tonight. Libi prefers to use her spoon. She has been working hard at it and started to get some successful independent bites this week, but tonight she GOT IT! It clicked!! We are so thankful for this work of God Almighty in our little Libi LOVE! Also this week she has made great strides with her ability to sit for long periods of time. She has hit the 10 minute mark! OVERWHELMED AND THANKFUL!


are we fleeing or staying?

Together for Adoption had a great post recently about the heroic love of Jesus mobilizing us to care for orphans...

Join us at the Oct 2-3 conference if you want more where this came from...

When the church began, it emphasized devotion to God and concern for others. But somehow it lost its way and the church became known for everything BUT love...

[During the age of the Roman Empire]...when the plagues hit, almost everyone abandoned the cities, fled into the hills, and sealed off the borders so no one could come in.

Except for the Christians.

They stayed and they cared for the sick and dying. Doesn’t that remind you of the heroic love of Christ?

So here’s the question: What compelled Christians to stay in the cities and care for the sick and dying?


The heroic love of Jesus for them. We are convinced that it is this same love that will mobilize the church to greater care for orphans. 


I wonder if the President has seen this?

...a SuperBowl commercial that NBC chose not to run...

Life.  Imagine the potential.