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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Ethiopia (64)


Only50Kids - Lifesong Ethiopia

In January of this year, child sponsorship for the Adami Tulu School in Lifesong Ethiopia was launched. THANKFULLY, of the 189 children, 139 have been given sponsorship! But, there are still 50 children that are unsponsored!

What does this sponsorship look like? For $19/month, you can sponsor one of the kids at the Adami Tulu School and ensure that they get the incredible education, spiritual mentoring and food that they need to break the cycle of poverty. Many of these kids are already orphans; all are vulnerable children sitting on the razor’s edge of extreme poverty that can rip families apart and create orphans for life. (Questions? Read the program details or contact us.)

Would you be ONE of 50 to ensure that EVERY child is sponsored at Adami Tulu School?

To sponsor children like OlanaMulash or Yosef, click here.




Construction Continues - Lifesong Ethiopia

Please enjoy this update from Gary Ifft, Lifesong Ethiopia...

"Construction progress continues to go well.  Shown below in a picture is part of the 14 room (12 classroom) Primary School building in Ziway.  As you can see, the floor between the first and second floors has been poured and work is under way to lay the blocks for the walls of the second story.  We are still waiting for the floor to cure, thus the "forest" of eucalyptus poles which are holding up the forms are still in place.  Cutting and placing those thousands of poles is an engineering marvel, but it's the way such work is done here in Ethiopia.

Also shown below is the front of the new four classroom building in Adami Tulu.  Being a much smaller project it is further along.  The tile floors are being laid, the ceilings are being painted, and preparations are being made for finishing the windows and doors. 


With our projected increase of 150 students this September (from 600 to 750) we will need these buildings finished and ready for use by then."

Child Sponsorship Update:

We are thankful to have 16 more children sponsored since our last update! If you are interested in supporting one of the remaining 54 students, please visit the Sponsorship Website.


Construction, Sponsorship & Stories - Lifesong Ethiopia

Please enjoy these updates from Lifesong Ethiopia... 

Student Update: Meet Taretkegn

Taretkegn is a nine-year-old student atLifesong Ethiopia. He was very young when both of his parents died.  His grandmother cared for him until he was four and then he went to live with an aunt who had the means to support him.

Taretkegn eventually got to go to school.  This year he is in the first grade and loves it!  Soccer is his favorite sport, so he's always looking forward to recess.  In the classroom, math is his preferred subject.  Taretkegn holds the dream of becoming a doctor someday.

Taretkegn is very thankful for the opportunity to go to school.  He wants to tell everyone from Lifesong that he loves you. 

Construction Update: Ziway & Adami Tulu

  • The two-story 14-room building at the Ziway Primary School is ready for the second-story. The workers are preparing to pour the floor of the second story. They are using eucalyptus poles which will support either plywood or metal to form the ceiling.
  • The four-classroom additional school building at Adami Tulu is racing toward completion, with the roof on, the stuccoing of the walls underway, and the forming up of the support for the veranda.

Child Sponsorship Update:

We are thankful to have 119 of our children sponsored! If you are interested in supporting one of the remaining 70 students, please visit the Sponsorship Website.


Family Friday: Scott & Alison

Listen in as Scott & Alison, Lifesong adoptive parents, share their journey of brining home Ethan and Levi from Ethiopia.

Without a doubt, God's provision with our adoption expenses was one of the most amazing aspects to our adoption process. We had fellow adoptive families advise us to make a financial plan for our adoption but then also to step out in faith and watch and see how the Lord would provide. By the end of our adoption, nearly $20,000 had been donated toward our adoption! Unbelievable! A true Miracle!

We believe that partnering with Lifesong encouraged family in donating toward our adoption.  Many were glad to see their money go directly to an organization and their funds used towards only our adoption expenses. 

Thank you Lifesong for partnering with us and making our adoption a reality!


Joy of Easter: An Adoption Story


Seeinng the title of this blogpost, you might think we are a week behind. But, as you heard from Scott and Heidi, today is Good Friday in Ethiopia leading into their Easter weekend.  

What a special time for God to show His great faithfulness and steadfast love to Scott and Heidi as they adopted Zion and Fisher into their forever family.
This Easter season, we pray that each of you came to a deeper understanding of the incredible price and selfless ransom Jesus Christ paid for our adoption.
"We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters." 
1 John 3:16
To learn more about adoption grants & loans, please visit our website.