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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Ethiopia (64)


Family Friday: Dan & Christi

I personally feel extremely blessed to share this Family Friday with you! Dan & Christi are so near to our hearts here at Lifesong for Orphans. Christi came on staff in the fall of 2009 and has been an incredible asset to our team while working with our adoptive families, church partners, and overseeing Lifesong's Communications & Social Media.

Dan & Christi have incredible hearts for the gospel, the orphan, and the glory of our Father God.  

Through a number of events, including a missions trip to Gautamala, they felt God's call to them to begin the process of adoption.  It was exciting for the Lifesong Staff to walk this journey with them and to watch them bring home their precious son last summer from Ethiopia.  Even though we work with adoptive families every day, we were able to experience up close and personal the incredible joy that is found in 'bringing the lonely into families' through their adoption.

But that's not it...God is continuing to work on this family's heart and is sending them back to where this whole spark started: Guatamala.  Dan & Christi will be serving with Eagle's Nest International full-time to follow their heart's desire to serve the orphan, to reach out to a lost community, to bring hope to the hurting, and most of all to bring GLORY to God our Father.

Dan & Christi,

It's been a complete joy to serve at Lifesong for Orphans with you and to see and experience God's spirit working in your familiy. We committ to lift you up in prayer during your time of tranistion and for the work that you will be doing in Gutamala. Praying that God's hand would continue to go before you and prepare your way as you serve Him in obedience. We love you!

Lifesong for Orphans team

To hear more of Dan & Christi's testimony or to follow them on their journey, check out their blog


Child Sponsorship in Ethiopia!!


We are excited to share with you the Lifesong Ethiopia Child Sponsorship program that has just launched last week!

For just $19/month, you can sponsor one of the kids at the Adami Tulu School and ensure that they get the incredible education, spiritual mentoring and food that they need to break the cycle of poverty. Many of these kids are already orphans; all are vulnerable children sitting on the razor’s edge of extreme poverty that can rip families apart and create orphans for life.

There are 189 children at the Adami Tulu School and thankfully as of today, 45 have already been sponsored!

We invite you to connect your heart with one of remaining 144 students...

Students like...

Abonesh - Age 5

Habtamu - Age 4

Abanezer - Age 4

Head over to the Adami Tulu website to see the 144 students who still need sponsorhip and how YOU can join this exciting opportunity!


Family Friday: Matt & Jenni

 Lifesong is rejoicing with Matt & Jenni as they welcomed home their daughter from Ethiopia in August.  Lifesong had the honor of helping Matt & Jenni fundraise as they walked the journey of adoption.

Listen in to this special letter, written by Matt & Jenni, to their new daughter, Rachel Rose: as we hold you in our arms, we are so thankful for each and every single delay that happened. Because of those delays - we were the family who got to be assigned to receive YOU. YOU were the exact child God had picked out for our family. Since before time began, it was in His plan that YOU, Rachel Rose, would be born in Ethiopia and then adopted into our family. How did we get to be so blessed? The word “thankful” hardly begins to describe the depth of our gratitude to have YOU as our daughter. -Matt & Jenni


To learn more about adoption funding, visit Lifesong for Orphans.


2011 Highlights & Year-End Giving


Lifesong projects impact 3,000+ orphaned & vulnerable children each year.  

The Lord has continued to lead Lifesong this year in ways that we could not have imagined!  

Here is a glimpse:

·       Created 45 jobs for orphan’s caregivers through micro-lending & sustainable Strawberry Farm in Zambia

·       Installed 59 computer systems in Honduras, giving skills to break cycle of unemployment thank you RetailROI!

·       84 children now have their FIRST school in 14 years (due to civil war) in Marshall, Liberia

·       Completed 100th repair of a widow’s home & hit $1,000,000 mark in adoption funding through Both Hands partner

·       Helped 638 children become adopted into US Christian families, removing financial barriers through Adoption Grants & Loans (disbursed over $3,500,000 in adoption funding)

·       Our joy to partner with 167 churches through Adoption Funds & Orphan Care initiatives in 32 states

·       Launched Adoption without Borders (indigenous adoption) in Ukraine and have helped 120+ Ukrainian orphans become adopted by Ukrainian Christian parents

·       Helped Sergey, Andrei and several other Ukrainian orphans launch a landscaping business w/ over 1,000 plants (job skills & sustainability)

·       Sveta and 835 other children have been mentored through Constant Christian Presence

·       Now helping 550 orphans & vulnerable children through education & feeding programs in Ethiopia

·       Renovated 15 foster agency waiting rooms to help foster kids feel loved through“Project Sunshine”


Thank you for prayers, giving & your heart for orphaned and vulnerable children around the world.

You can DONATE NOW! (tax-deductible), a year-end gift before 11:59pm on December 31st! 


100% of your donation goes directly to orphan needs – absolutely ZERO administrative costs are deducted (paid for by TMG Foundation). 

2011 Gifts of Purpose from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.


Give Education



"We met a mother in desperate poverty with a 6-year old son name Meyahel who needed to be at Adami Tulu School. And Lifesong made it possible. When we ask ourselves how much changing the world is enough, we know the answer: just a little bit more."

-Aaron Klein, Ethiopia Orphan Advocate



To give education. To give the love of Jesus. Visit our Lifesong for Orphans Gifts of Purpose Catalog.