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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Lifesong (107)


Can we do it?

This summer our church had their annual VBS program.  We had the kids raise money to support a Vacation Bible Camp at Lifesong Liberia.  Well, the response of these 5-11 year olds brought tears to my eyes.  We heard stories about kids doing extra chores around the house and emptying their piggy banks.  One child even asked if this year's Christmas money could go to helping these children across the world!  wow!

That week we raised more than double what we needed!  That same week our Liberia director, Emmanuel Jones, discovered another orphanage that needed our help.  Another orphanage where the children were starving.  Another orphanage that we could help with extra money raised by children in Illinois.

Amazing!  God's timing is so good, isn't it?

We announced to the kids that their money would not only give Liberian children a Bible camp to attend, but would also provide food and shelter for over 25 more children!  Oh the cheers that filled the Sunday School room that evening.  They whooped and hollered.  I cried.  God is good!

2010 Liberia VBS from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.


Over 360 children attended!

67 children dedicated their lives to Christ!

75 adults came, and 11 of them received Christ!

Bishop Emmanuel Jones writes:

It was heart touching and very moving to watch for three days.  I saw the children change in a dramatic way in their relationship with God and with each other.  

The camp was profound and the children left very encouraged and blessed.  We have started a church in the community in order to continue discipleship and follow up with these new believers."

But this was only the beginning.  Now, with more children we have more cost.  Funds are tight and we need help.  

Here's the exciting part.  If we surpass our goal of 70 sponsors we can take in more children!  Children who would otherwise be turned away!

Our goal is 70 people. $28 a month. One year commitment. 

We currently have 25 commitments... 45 to go in just 3 days!

Can we do it?  With your help we can!

Join us in bringing joy and purpose to orphans.

Contact us at to commit! 


Meet Kemah


Kemah never knew her mother.  One day while she and her brother were sleeping, their home caught fire.  In a desperate attempt to save his children, Kemah’s father ran into the house for them.  After he rescued her brother, her father searched for Kemah as well.  That day, the roof of their little house caved in, leaving Kemah’s foot badly burned and killing her father.

Now orphaned, 6 year-old Kemah and her brother found refuge at Master’s Home of Champions-Lifesong Liberia.  Here she is gaining an education, is given daily, nutritious meals, and is learning the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Kemah can tell you that she loves Jesus and knows He loves her because He died for her sins.  Someday she hopes to be a missionary so she can tell others about the love of Christ!  

Wow...  What an amazing response to the Gospel from a young child who's already experienced more pain than many of us will experience in a lifetime.  But Kemah is not alone.  There are other children... so many children... who need our help!

We're asking for a monthly commitment of $28 for one year to help cover the costs of caring for 70 orphans in Liberia.  This donation will cover food and water, and other necessities, such as coal and kerosene, toothpaste, bathing and laundry soup, and hair oil.

A typical grocery list at Lifesong Liberia for 1 month includes:

- 8 bags of rice

- 5 gallons agro oil

- 2 bags of cornmeal

- 1 bag of sugar

- 20 gallons of red cooking oil

- 1 carton of cooking salt

Sometimes powdered milk and flour will also be purchased, but not every month.

Every 1-2 days cassava, various vegetables, fish and occasionally chicken are purchased for soup.

Typically the children at Lifesong Liberia will have cornmeal porridge for breakfast and rice with soup for lunch and dinner.

Will you help us feed and care for these children?  Children like Kemah?

Our goal is 70 people.  $28 a month.  One year commitment.

We have 17 commitments. That means 53 to go in just 4 days!

Join us in bringing joy and purpose for orphans!

Contact us at to make your commitment today!


We have 5 days... Let's make them count!


2010 Liberia Video from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.


This week we are inviting our faithful readers and supporters to step up and help us in a time of need for Lifesong Liberia.

Liberia is located on the west coast of Africa, between Cote d’Ivorie and Sierra Leone. After 14 years of civil war, the country’s infrastructure was destroyed. A peace agreement was signed in 2003, though significant issues still remain. Currently, there is an unemployment rate of 80%.

Lifesong has partnered with The Master’s Home of Champions orphanage and is providing a loving and safe home to many destitute and abandoned children, some of whom are deaf. Bishop Emmanuel Jones and his wife, Ramona, are passionate about rescuing and caring for such children. They seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and are focused on the goal of raising up champions for the good of Liberia and glory of God.  Three months after Lifesong got involved with The Master's Home of Champions Bishop Jones sent us this update:

You should see the children now!  They are beautiful!  When you were here, they didn't look good because they were malnourished, pale and some were sick.  Now they look completely different!

This summer, another orphanage was in dire need, and  thanks to an unexpected donation (story to come) Lifesong was there.  Praise the Lord we can help more children!  But now, we need help too!  We need your help to make sure these children are fed every day!  We need your help to care for the fatherless!  Will you join us?

70 sponsors in one week is a tall order.  We know this.  We also know that we serve a big God who has told us that caring for the poor and vulnerable is at the very heart of who He is!  We believe we can make this happen! We pray that God will call hearts this week and we trust that you will answer!

Our goal is 70 people.  $28 a month.  1 year commitment. Contact us at to commit!

Join us in bringing joy and purpose to orphans!


See what Both Hands has been up to!


Can you believe we're 3/4 of the way through 2010? Take a look at what Both Hands has been up to!!!

16 projects completed & $184,641 raised!

Featured Story: Redwine project:

 To read more about Clint & CJ's adoption journey, click here.

 Wow, can you believe we have done 35 projects in 13 states since we started! If you have invested in Both Hands at some point in the last 3 years, I hope you are pleased with your return. If you haven’t, we’d love for you to get on board as we keep ministering to orphans and widows in need!  – JT Olson, Founder of Both Hands Foundation

View more Both Hands projects. View more Both Hands videos.


A Reason to Praise

Six years ago I had the opportunity to go to Ukraine with Lifesong and put on a Vacation Bible School program for kids at Loubetin Orphanage.  It was my second year to Ukraine and this country.... these children... definitely held a piece of my heart that I would never get back... nor to did I want to.

This particular year I developed a special relationship with one 14 year old girl, named Sveta.  We would spend hours hitting a volleyball back and forth or holding hands as we sang with the group.  When I left we cried and hugged and through a translator said our goodbyes.  She told me not to forget her.  I told her I never would.  I prayed with her that hot afternoon in Ukraine.  I prayed that she would draw near to Christ and grow in Him as she matured into adulthood.

Every year I went back I would see my "little sister" Sveta.  Every year I was able to watch my prayers come true.  Praise the Lord!

This month, at 21, Sveta was married.  Her husband, Ura, comes from a family in the church.  He loves Sveta, but even more, He loves God.

It has been such an honor, to watch this young girl grow into a Godly woman.  And now, when I think of the statistics... when I think how her life could have turned out... I just have to praise the Lord!

Congratulations, Sveta!  I love you and am so proud of the woman you've become!