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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in loan (3)


God showed up for Bezawit & Natti

 Check out this note we received today.  Thank you God for showing up and being The Provider!

Thank you to all of you who give generously and sacrificially to help make adoptions and stories like this a reality!


Dear Lifesong for Orphans,

Thank you so much for helping us raise more money than we ever expected!! Your matching grant program spurred on many others to give to our adoption of Bezawit, a beautiful nine year old girl and her adorable 18 month brother Natti from Ethiopia

As we began this journey, we did not have the money but knew God was calling us to this and would provide somehow. It has been an incredible journey in so many ways but primarily to see God work in such a mighty way through organizations, people and circumstances. He is so faithful!!

Thank you again for your devotion to obeying God's Word to take care of the orphans by aiding adoptive families in this most significant way.

Many blessings to all of you.

In Christ,

Kevin, Sue, Kassy, Bezawit, Aaron and Natti

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus, Phillipians 4:19



the Whipple's | the most beautiful road ever traveled...

A tearjerker...and evidence God is at work!

Lifesong for Orphans adoption grant & loan ministry had the privilege of coming alonside Isaac's adoption into the Whipple family




A Story that Never Grows Old...


Mark and Aditi’s story began when an amazing chain of events was set in motion following her first mission trip to an orphanage in Mexico. While there, Aditi felt a call by God to adopt. After Mark and Aditi were made aware of three young orphans in Guatemala (sisters in need of a home) - they were told they would probably not meet the two criteria required to adopt these particular girls. Because the sisters were not to be split up, the orphanage specified that prospective parents must be bilingual and have no other children. Surprisingly, Aditi and Mark met both requirements and nearly immediately were qualified and approved for the adoption.

Two miracles of the heart were taking place simultaneously. God placed an unquenchable longing to adopt three girls deep in the heart of this couple. They had a dream of becoming a family to three sisters, seemingly forgotten in a Guatemalan orphanage.

They faced mounting costs and unpredictable obstacles. But nothing could have prepared them for what they witnessed during the adoption process as they experienced God’s promises to orphans—in action. Promises to help them and to rescue them.

During the adoption process, Aditi and Mark experienced financial challenges towards completing this adoption - “It was tough...but we never lost hope. Each time we encountered financial problems, God provided help”

After two and a half years, and feelings of doubt and frustration the Guatemalan embassy gave final approval - “Those little girls were saved for us,” shared Aditi. “It’s like we were a family the whole time.”

Although the amount of time it took to complete the adoption process was unusually long, Aditi and Mark look back and are convinced that God was using the time to strengthen their faith. As their marriage was tested, they became more prayerful. They received personal encouragement from people all over the world. People they never met were praying for them and they felt it. Aditi added, “We know this was a miracle and we are so thankful for our girls. We can see that God was always in control and He used our story to show His glory.”


The James Fund and Lifesong for Orphans partnered together to help bring Griselda, Gabriela and Beatriz home through Adoption Matching Grants.